Monday, July 28, 2014

Bare Knuckling ~ James Blunt True Flame

Dangerous a Vid. in Tubed the site of ever Clears,
the round a bout saw the veer in steering Restauranteers.

The streaming shoots to see the lose in betterment it's here,
I speak to those that produce the Apple of the Pare.

Trouble comes and thus it shared the obvious was in the Fare,
so costly seen in same mistake a cruising Star of deer,
I took a look and said to Brook the Stag has now been Bucked.

The antennae use of Mind Fulled Up in trading Site as Steer,
'cause in the scene of bare in Means the Man was seated lean.

On such Puts the Bed was Made the Treasures of the Intro. kept,
reaming with the links of let us allow the guy to tear.

Shedding oceans not from me the lake to pool the parting drool,
a Mouth Control of what is Mole the Swallow must have Pull.

Just short of the Mecaniques the Movements Showing Mused,
the chords of Nape must shoulder take for blanks cannot do Real.

Winding spouts of never lap the truth of groves in seeing rose,
a Tie of Sordid thinking Inn with the Oh my you're seated end.

Girls in State of golden gates will search to no avail in traits that Show,

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