Monday, July 28, 2014

Conversation With Dads ~ James Blunt True Flame

In the sleep that I needed to advise my Self of reality in the turning,
the thought to the basis of the training of brought in the Place that is not,
this Earth is the Grounds upon where humans touch the past with an idea to before.

The extend of the business to the moment at Hand in the hours of seconds the Times,
not in every the other dimensional jumped from perfect to listen that life has a plot.

Hardily considered in the Mid of the Knight I do not chase Compassing the Watch is theirs,
traits to the subtle reminding me of their stations of trades in the eve. of their Lair.

A churn style Mind to vast in the Centrals froughts this being eventual in happens,
for crisis averted by the write to approach with the Ancient in towing a big is a Coast!!

Rolling with salty the Men are the spice to the pepper in cared fulls a Captain in dice,
station the Age in the Millennia offered that Times would be set to See the leads!!

Deepest in lines between all the stops of check-in to rationed the filler of Tonnes,
additions to much in a learn as you go the games are the playing in innocent knows,
pressured to perfect the trips are the Keys that loop in width lines as circling Ve!!

And Asking the Quest of the spook in the Being a Self will mirror flection to Muscle the bow,
in dread of the memories that Humanity folks the traffic of Persons to Monetize gloats,
the factuals skating on the words of the sake don't tell of the damage if it's not you they lick.

Press to the Nationals of the Inter-global News'ed a bring in the latter creates evolution with tools,
to shoot to the forward in Past there were Bores that told of the Naturals in Looming Yarn,
to the spin of the wheel in the threading of string as the feather in weighted against what has been.

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