Friday, August 8, 2014

Learning To Drive a Standard Transmission The Wheel Shifting

Harmony of Vista scene the oars that shape a sat in the Mist of fog roll in the sweetest is the laugh,
sport the Opera in the score of bring the forward to a say the litter of the bin in stake a certain deed,
carbon side crate filter speak for the fish have grown to reed the sway of the movement key is a Tie,
know the ship in the Stow say lake a Waterfall by switch to read the Garden of the Roses Pine needles.

Sew the tunnel of the grounds to come upon the Lions face appearance found the path to rate Museum,
enter remodel in the Era of the modern locked the state of Cavemen in the stuffed a view of on crew,
the now that roofs activity has leaks soaking spray counter with a pit small fence a penny asked deed,
why the lives in the deep that swimming of the Tube in wheel on it's side a round about of slough.

Swam the be a folk tale true in the blast of swimming fast an Eight to more of hour shore to bubble,
basket swang the club deranged a whack on head made topping read a visit with the construction key,
filled to rim the quest was skin in a dip that most can flip to a time that Streakers fact the river a soak,
tides do bring unseen at bay unlike the Ocean of my day when advised of under tides sweeping ride.

Challenged by the Charts that pie the best decision to keep the drive in relax of kicking stride an easy,
for should you chill with constant spill the top of shoulders will power skill the temperature is found,
speaking on events that songed across the channel of the long the Seal came to be the name a friend,
by stroke of luck the big in rough waves familiar the beach of cellar that brought the whole thing cup.

A roar of strength that balanced sync to Continue albeit cold and blue the stamp of don't give suck,
encouraged by the Seagulls flight in interest asking what the sight brought cheer to flowing fright,
in reality the Mind goes sum the feet just keep that Two beat come with attached a trunk in lung,
shouldering the conscious stream that lights are being shone to me for deeper reasons than A screen.

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