Friday, August 8, 2014

The Paddock School

Interest the way station to the conduit versing Mind as the length in the firing snap,
the snap of a clause to the drawn up to paused shows in honest a lumbering,
inquire as to the wreath of the bough as the bark has been Shed the core is a found,
said with a Candor to whom is the quite rinking the skate to an actual bump start?

The lag is not I said the pen black to lead question the Computer the hook-up to fed,
cart the pull which is in real the lug a bolt or the Watch in the ink Lair of the drudge,
to barges at Bay whom serve to the stay a channel is at the beckon in clue.

To have known the Visual Toll rank a system counting the sign,
if I do not Publish in the Qued up on post dismissing the Thought as walk,
the turn from a page to hit look in the lay an order has moved upon saved display,
not hard to explain in days of the lane a Task previewing in fine it's okay!!

Curious to spinning the write shown to few revealing History of years on the fly,
clothes that a Tailor did ride Hi for the rose in papers to holdings the date of a nose,
dirt tracks the grass mowed can be brown to green the middle of trigger is the Bell of a stream,
stride to the mount arena too sand a Set of Standards is the jump pole in pad.

Conjuncture found worth with the Forrest of learn in believing the jag in the linked pose,
the Laptop must move to the silence in coat a tiger has stripes done Zebra a plot,
in Independence the shallow will short pants to the wears to wade amongst Futures in stares,
a Hardhat is form on Hi rises same to protection of falling the random in came.

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