A Twist in stranger fate is that Take of issue to the click Posts pass,
that broad spectrum being Hits on exact to symbol the drum with sit,
a kit to lane is either of computer task to word carriage on sliced pie,
previous calendar day Daters with shadow fancied bouncers door Staged,
the movement in a James Blunt graze Which is the curio of chest,
from Minute close to near oar lope the Soap of clam denial Ivy.
Earthly crowd that tacks the Hard is of riding fellow longers,
or in case Put point Plethora as arms with computer head bong,
exes on craft of lovers in the lap to dialing grasp on Twinkle,
James Blunt could not possible ability to such feather Coiled singular,
the coarse of growl in Toner of paintables is Much tell hours.
Troop the romper room fellow and his hand held pony a oink,
pork bellies are on the Planetary vice of Ages vs the sump,
a good art vacuum of Convergence to tron over above Ice-sickles,
Frozen canvas of film in station of Mentality a core stone,
mud to space in dried on paced is a Harness in cart Timers song.
Writers of him vast the grate divide to cycling the orifice of spence,
small cap letter said which Church chills the Tongue of gardner,
beak billiards to Snooker in pool Catch Ninety-two a spank,
no shall the Scramble keep of knee to stand the vertical shrine!!
Hog Warts