Thursday, December 11, 2014

Inn Wok Offered

The ewe have A Gree of bit at called a Curb snaffle byte in cart to left The Horse,
in practice of Dressage the time under saddle is A Pea Off the rear is oft Tack change craft ore,
in anciently spout of pore scored to the double bridle At Test is arena Fell of Thorough bucketed,
in oats of soak to the Cod Liver oils in stretch the Flax Seed is not of brush from stroke,
in luck is accidentals on the Test of-familiar striking remarkably all recorded in of readied,
to balance of shape to the backward Effect of Keyhole introduction Complete absolute just Happened and yet,
the guidance of theme to pail of grain hath ladder to poke the simple complex,
moors to log in the stick of Thought is brambles at thicket of portion to fern,
untrained in official Time Told earth has ampled a continuum that blankets wet curd.

Computers are Us in the bank of Gnu for the sickle ist branch the reach of a fund,
in pocked Elementary to shaving the stub it is the Hare growth of The Flash flood river Bends.

Shop upon the shagger a corporeal Jag in mustard at the barn a trail in the shunned,
for course on tackle is of learning to the stoke In Fire of the placard to the behind offered Mule,
didst not the preface to Pre Script stun not improve that skill of doctoring steeps the feed tell mold,
sprouting from the sit is bigger than the R.I.P. tongue of a classical in further on the kit,
disappointment must erect the perk to know I'm shoulder held with character of role,
tsk to the Fein pleasure to the Foe in Friendly shudder blinking the rake is all but Pole.

Vector calmed the shot while People mirror or Flex b.d.s.m. in loaded has deeper scales note,
tucker of the buick Radio on spot An tendency to speaker case is ribbing stance of clot.

James Blunt is the spinnaker a Cockney brought,
pigeon marks the foot of a Saint Bernard gone plot,
hounds of the bask burred Ville a tune in the jock,
may not be of the steady that the Ancient pot.

Soil in the breach of ditches that I jump Court the Flat Work with A Crop,
sitting trot to toilets tip the flushed has Perk to fork of Water Wells a stop,
the Tripod still is Wheeled from the base to Cobble fold,
mortar as the fetch a skip to bounce the Read Ball tot,
singular in breadth of life is not a good I dye.

Learning leaned has Had the colds in freezer burn that prison Keys are corker,
bottle Knows the dolpin Crow the flipper of the poised,
granite to the touch bone trust is slipping from the Rink,
for ice is not of melded that is the Source of ding.

Hammer clapper with this constant of turned broken makes Horse the Spartan~Tight~End,
scarf the Muffler to global chemistry The Hose of inhaled is free to what a garage is stop,
home to bright intellect is trampled by the pub of ignorance and that just makes this dumb,
mute came from the terribles breaking no rule to hope yet innocence is snot,
a blowing of a Choice of brit to The Over^Board american in sync.


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