Monday, December 15, 2014

So Hi

Dianne Feinstein is of Work caliber to the not only Stipulation but of position Talk,
In employed by Global rebuke of the Enhanced Interrogation on fact,
She is in the congress of convention at the paddle of Eighty-one in spank,
No retirement firing her age to classified existence in the on the Worlds ear.

On that Nancy Pelosi is on the Seventy-fourth of her year to birth,
She in addition is in the employment of the Government of steer,
On basis to the fax at the look of both Top Dollar rides for jockey,
In silk to the slide of photograph and side is the Work of intent,
These two are San Francisco found to I knew exact of youth.

Inking the word to the balance of breath is long in the tug,
A cancer has infected the over populous to throw or discount their equals at face,
In tethered to expression of toll old touching address, the wonder is of bred born,
Yet on the media for a person like mic. self the drive is gifted to Women of stealth.

Their carriage of scour Tells on the boot is a hello from basic in the Sixty fifth choir,
As tack to the dress is the mirror of reflect than wise shall the bone to be crest!!

Thought shambled members of society have sold younger of version age is the curse,
Formal introduction to the Tack Brains on doing is the youth of retirement in actual movings.

Ask not of the body for the age is of truth to the cause of the structure be a barracuda at root,
Crass have the bubbles on CBS turned One for the counters the others for burn,
To crate the scoured by no learning bring lathe Craft of Creation is sonars Radar,
Bring to the front understanding of station shown by the Ways of leading a Nation!!

To be of listen the Conversation that backs to a spine the minds are of identification of a city born type,
Great expectations of natural come line whilst porch is the sync to conformation of grind,
Even on task is the old pope in a class, retired for purpose the watch of the grasp,
As the current of Turkey is the forecast in a bath the name and the number shepherds dialing Nash,
Poetry for future expression to past Ink standing statue speak with Fates rasp,
A file on the cabinet muster to grab The Oldest condemnation is the frost of At dash,
Slow in the rise is a seed Sourdough lend that bakes for the Ages in done by the bowl,
Yeast to the charge is a Nipper snapped show Bridge that to bearings the compass pipes joe!!

Mare for the challenge the logic is Train preparation by writing the Riding is brain,
Start fires synapse that connect to the sewn Wise is the night to have hide by gain blow,
For the hit to a digit by scholars of More’s stage to the timely of ringing the grown,
Question this answer with Proverbs that shake to paraphrase in Barn the Horse or the farm,
Ranch is a course to Cattle the deer in Wild on the range it’s a Reason the buffalo clear,
Wide are the paths that trampled the dead but Won on account is this blog on the gun.

"Historicity is the historical actuality of persons and events, meaning the quality of being part of history as opposed to being a historical myth, legend, or fiction. Historicity focuses on the truth value of knowledge claims about the past (denoting historical actuality, authenticity, and factuality.) The historicity of a claim about the past is its factual status.

Some theoreticians characterize historicity as a dimension of all natural phenomena that take place in space and time. Other scholars characterize it as an attribute reserved to certain human phenomena, in agreement with the practice of historiography.  Herbert Marcuse explained historicity as that which “defines history and thus distinguishes it from ‘nature’ or from the ‘economy’” and “signifies the meaning we intend when we say of something that is ‘historical’.”The Blackwell Dictionary of Western Philosophy defines historicity as "denoting the feature of our human situation by which we are located in specific concrete temporal and historical circumstances." For Wilhelm Dilthey, historicity identifies human beings as unique and concrete historical beings.

Questions regarding historicity concern not just the issue of "what really happened," but also the issue of how modern observers can come to know "what really happened."This second issue is closely tied to historical research practices and methodologies for analyzing the reliability of primary sources and other evidence. Because various methodologies thematize historicity differently, it's not possible to reduce historicity to a single structure to be represented. Some methodologies (for example historicism), can make historicity subject to constructions of history based on submerged value commitments.

Questions of historicity are particularly relevant to partisan or poetic accounts of past events. For example, the historicity of the Iliad has become a topic of debate because later archaeological finds suggest that the work was based on some true event.

Questions of historicity also arise frequently in relation to historical studies of religion. In these cases, value commitments can influence the choice of research methodology."

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