Monday, December 15, 2014

The Price Of Tea Is China Art Panda Talk Bamboo

Bearing the Olympic method is indeed the sport of ageless competition of in tack of the horse,
the muster of direction has brought to mind the collective of understanding good conditioning,
in priceless comprehension of The Phase in this the book of tale,
as burst is future to the hold of the pass it is The Arena of market that kills the grasped.

Forward house to the thatch of the roof that ditch on the road for the crossing of go,
know the muscle to a boat or a flight Bits of information that trouble no lest,
reared by the fact that production is crib for on the challenge a kicker to the fit,
tied by the boundless trails on the write At value the test is in the linking life!!

Carve a portion from the scale of the graph Tell of the ownership that Venue of a grass,
in fields to the stopper a perch of the Brown fires in the Opera inks is for the stay.

Line to line reverb is brought with no lather for The Sweats are a channel of work in core muscles,
strength to canter center halt at X for salute seat of the entire is the breathe of reductions.

To take the posting as a pulse to sitting on extension,
reins of the curb is my Snaffle in this deduction,
the bridle to the brow a crown piece for the head,
which is the parts of the saddle that don't lie.

a good fit to gloves that whip are in the rule of thumb by Crump,
stubben on the box of strap the spurs are for impulsion,
the leg is there to be the stair that brings the forward bright,
but shall the spurs be of a look that boots must be a section.

Rowels that are the worn garb gear do role with the middle,
on the walk of the hear is it only for the pleasure,
shall the bull in chop the ride be buried for the grip by side,
or is the handle of the flat the Rawhide of seduction.

Cockroaches in the barn not really its the Bar,
a square dance to the Chaps in herd that point of who does Fair,
to dance about the Hop account is titled with the dare,
but shall the mount be of the course is the jump an eruption.

The Pope policy the Church of conduct the words are so in Tolls,
yet on the World the which is What for nothing really moved,
the curse the threat 2000 Years a Cross sum nails hammered,
is not the time come from Time in Ages that reduce.

To not be A New with sight disturbs the fright to knowledge,
a walk to charge the Self in change is duty of the shower,
to Human Beings that find that blame of Satan for behavior,
taste the Stable clean the fates this Siren is an erotica of more than just a lesson,
basis is direction.

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