Friday, April 24, 2015

Ladder Day Rein ~ Write Won

Dues are the Feats of the Mans Kind on the Twitch that Comes on the Grands,
at the bench of the Tomb touching the side Walls of this Mortal landing,
to talk And not to much of the Speaking people have Formalized the ridden Owe the dying!!

On that enter to this World the being fed to grasp that Oxide of principle to Say oh deer,
like Sheep on The Fleeced that skin to the dial of the Suns Patrol,
rounding the Sphere to lossed hours of the grandeur of the blast that Ships Were Fold,
folk Out to the Times on the Rat just to Mouse the lion on back,
that is the Creative Design to Evolutions Clear!!

Grant It the Learns and the Leans basking in the Moons great Shadow of a Knights pale,
cheeks to Rub on the twinge of that Fear to bring a laugh and not a grave Stead.

Towards the Civilizations that Have bin Killed by the Shredding bark to the Burning piered,
crate the Box a Televised life to bough this Kindness with the broth of the Flew,
on a whale of Tale to the crimson Read I shall not remember to Forget this bands light,
to dice the Gambler on the guitar of the Pew,
watch this Ticking On at the Talking for the Clue.

Rhythm treed to that Good Ole Oak of a Sang,
makin' the best of the bass be Bar,
gifts to Ka Boom the Bare A Ness to a Mon. stir of The Blues!!

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