Friday, April 24, 2015

What The Plan^It Chanced On The Monopoly Bored

The Singer sewed a Cruise to Plate the Meant Shunned to the Towards of the Marching lives to Crate,
on the Nails of This Worlds punched 'Just Saying' that Crowds made the preViewed to rump a Crumb,
on the butchers Tablet as the Prey behaves to Times that have KILLED dreams for Drinking lathe,
on Pub scoots to Shovel the Liquids on the Barn of Tiles.

Stables to Empties the Mortality Rates to Pacers on The Steeplechase hoarse,
jump Aft stirred Stumpers to slammed Dunk as the Teabaggers cup of Steed.

Say Cinch to Hat the Crows on the More's time is Mirrorly a Moments barrel,
Monkeys with a joke on the Perhaps a Hand that Wills to the Limb of Rivaled,
to Heel an In Car Nations crumble is to Know that the doe`s Plural fork the Parades at a Door,
thrush to Frog on the Hoofs that shoed a Place to person The Theme`ing blanks,
Oh for the Festivals String!!

Threads of Rumpled to the Still Skin of delivery Just asking the journey of the Clump,
thereabouts to Farmers Almanac the Dates trouble the Prunes,
dried Upper Lips to Marbles on Microphones lens`d,
blink that My Score @James Blunt ore @Jblo the latest Issue of venue Prod Faxed.

Skinners on the Mule Trades to buffalo a Present all Wrapped in the Swaddling Screamers,
lights in the Knight of the sky that have smothered the voice to Grate the clasp of Cuffing,
spanked the Skill to dive a Monies pence Fold.

Owe clever Bell Throw bee the Stipulation that Progress to the Filming shive,
for on the Steam of the Kettles to the chase down Memorized bye the Famous chored,
tank that Captain a poets chlorine to Bank this stand with Harsh receipt to Report.

Founder on the Main frames short the Glasses driven by the Cycle of a Motor Engine on pet Trolls,
bridges that sync to Basque Meals on the buffet of Times Tabled at Mud&Cakes!!

Crystal computer Laptops on lived through the Thoroughbread sour to Soar the Flaccid bunched at Dine,
take that Cow Wards per Plane to Composition off the Steer Factor to enter the Spinning Webs of dued.

Trusts that Raft to a Ships News that Point of Know Returning to Quest the journey of A Friends tale on quilt,
stitch to the seaming a Cause to Effect that both the Molly and the Butt Err flies the Coup,
a chicken in the hen house picking out Guitars to blanket the best finds that Speaker of a desk provides A Poetic Crest,
all in the stolen to Prequel the Moons Landing on A Paul Owes less,
For the Might and the String beetle the Karmic detail to the Strike.

Madders arch the Footwork to a Wrinkle in the Timing Zones that Hour of 11 bring shows to Laugh the beater,
on that whipping Carriage of Harness I stoke the burns as this is a Choking Story to be lived by Ways of the Toll,
North bye gone South that Announcement to The Kings of the Oldest Norse smoke Ewes to flock the Personal Grown.