Saturday, May 16, 2015

Air A Zone Uh Had A Jack A Lope On Their Postcard

NOW!! that Popped^Eye ate Sum Spin^Itch the Mechanic Goes gear Shift on the Graph,
map^other to the Cruise a^bout on the Peer 86`d namely the James Blunt tick`td a Clock curr`d,
growling to the Know on the Vow of the show was Inn deed lee to a Crupper on the Saddle`d,
horse To tech Isa a Vice^grip Set on that Issue of Bill`d to spoke of the Wheeler.

Suddenly See More said to the Little Shop of Cork that the bounce was The Sun shining on Hedge`d,
over Barrel in pickle`d Tear^owe Regards the Source as gratefull to the Hand on the Vaulters lunge`d,
great X Peck Stations have muscle to a preview`d As the fly Ing trap Ease`d from Mi mi Mi!!

Special on the glasses Touch the bow Of the dodge Aspirin for the bearer Corner of the steady,
815 Bowl Boa is a Hose to the tubs in A drought,
the cycle of Waist water to garden the Plumb,
ran to the Flout to fountain of the Come!!

In addition during And While the hose is in Carriage the To storied house Had the flows,
to not suffer the dry Green grassy Nose`d butt Rather report the actual Mortal as a blimp Ore,
that is the Handle on the Presidio Riding Clubbed in Reality of An In Door to Arena torque.

Tract Tore this ditch And dive as Any from the City have a Know in For 'May' shun Talk train,
get sound and Duty honor as the Amway of the Am Tract is railed to a List on Public boarding,
school of phish is At panda on the location of Located at locale on Compass for the Mic. Crow phone`d.

A pretty badger to get a Raccoon beautiful as a Jaguar to the Tigers on a old town`d Sailors read,
purple Mountain mag Just trait to Scope on the Original joe's that barkers Crowning the Condor!!

The Metro at Cattlemens Convenence`d A round Up

Piano player`d as Care Ole doda Sings the Bump to The grind A coffee Cup on the chilled`s,
tennis shoes Lace a braid to the Icon of a Tee Shirts ample brave`d,
shot Well is a Corporal burr Ritz on this cheese to Brie the Com^ba^Sole^a,
hows Tacking the brisk bill Lets as that Saddle tree Is made of sTerned,
I was Taught by a Tickler in the Oak land Spill`d,
not buy Happened but more to the Bart showing the Gets to a Simple city walk on the News.

As Block told Avenue that the Sunset was a Haight shed I bellow`d silence to the Leader of the Pact,
in any Finnish product the clock is on the Wrist to that shirt pulling tug to Not advertise but Make certain Stood,
these End Gamers have Scene to Seen to Scene a kind Of knot stride that barked NOW!!

'Owe Shit its The Dust^Stirred On Literary ab-Lib'

In basic no Fear I Walked the Candor and at present I strobe the Graham on theater,
library a Film to the Most recent short Snap your fingers and Clap the elementary Take,
ole Merry Mac at the Tron on the Stet is On to the Once Upon A story of Caught^Tin,
coins for the Ride no Not really it Was more definite The Save on the Ferrymens Tellers priced.

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