Monday, October 5, 2015

Dough Tee Washing Ton

Would not it be a strange in the rule of Thumb on the channeling currents a shoe side seem,
that the avenue brain press is Vore to the ether on that ship to the dress,
a scale of stone to ear Conch echo,
cream Pie on eater of the grate to talk a done.

Streaming the at View to table the led,
down the roster to over the fie burr creed,
adding touch to mental Crutch on the hum b'Owl lean,
just in the tetris over the Over boarding Theme!!

At trust the evident would not Bart until the raft emptied,
shipping dues with Node as the edger of the bind,
three Whole punch to plugging tent Typed goop,
without the Telling of the a diction with a Touch of Chalk let keen Of sidewalk out Line to deem.

Try^Fect^Eh that bet the dribble like the cart on be Front of course,
the method of Operators on the handle growth,
as Said to law by said By law Authority on scene,

Than on the apposite of back And forth to equals,
how many act shuns just Licensed the Mind on evident flake,
to that Observation whom does Counter law to smoke the Sight a take,
would quick in feat put Right the steep to Whistle rams on Peels teak,
parrots squawk by bumped the drop let turned On Up to shock And brought.

Fork Y sew Fast the thread would lock on wrist in branded Pane,
Windows Tin to Up load crowns on speaking Off the eh hem,
in Instant recognition the Dialect of film,
 Wood Be The lumber Of the Ring to put the badge Jer pelts to Paper Mills on Tend.

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