Monday, October 5, 2015

The Loggers Hour Is The Minute Know Of The Gallery

Shall the honor of the venue be of the Antler in the spring,
a season of introduction to the special understanding of the weight,
in and on the once not known is the not confusion only the lead to Trees in the Fall,
as Winter is of the Cold spell it is the budding of the Redwood on showing growth after giant clear cut,
to that is the Lumber Yard on the That Production to the to by for of learning a U knee verse in Creek.

River on the Turns is a belly growl on alert to Hunger on the grains of seeding,
that is showing the rein on a Farmer or the Almanac to the Hedgehog at Cycle of An eddie,
is that Modus Operandi a toot to bee Keepers as the root is the Call learn of device,
for in the Badger the dam is of Importance to the building of a Top comb,
both the measure of the leave as that is evidence through the Mark of the gear!!

As Humanity has thrown to the trash both Garbage & stir It remains to be the Seal that barks a shore,
the swell of the Ocean to steep in the Kettle a whistle to say Hay there it is a storm of grade,
in cent to the traveling Hold is the fragment of How the Airwaves move dust,
a part tick Call to journal the Diary of ankle that Announces these Fields on rung.

Each every aspect of the Present daze on train is the Station of the opportunity to a Carrots pressure,
to being of the Rally equestrian on a Stable the Context is of the Mucking to riding balance,
practice in the apron strings only the Custard for it is the reality of how the recipe is divided for the lump,
to that is the Clouds in the sky of Scene a bit of sugar and the bucket of green, 
that is the Cyclone knowing Tornadoes ping.

Ears of Corn are shot to Stores at the Core of ripe,
but no that is not exact on truth for does not the produce mark a time for satisfied,
in that it is the Time it bakes on Nippy of the bringing course far down the Haul,
oh plate to sound the Hoof print Song clipity clop the for Hoof Park clock that raining On its scale,
tender shoots of screen per hoops is basket ball the Tiers of loops!!

To that the wrist of Watch has replaced the eyeballs late and this provides the mapping on a masque,
to shield our state on Wild Fires the consequence of route to torque is understanding pinch chures,
for all do know the scent of que on Bulletins and after scoot from this remains the track,
mosquitoes bitten with itchy Ticks left in forest at the picks,
lettuce shows the Wilt to say the garden Posture of what does need the Water off the Ate or is it Oven baked.

Just like the bugged the Water is a save to the application of what the drought does Impose to perk,
for all do know the working pace of moving hosed at ever paste that PVC in sprinklers case,
the Hardware Stores to equal Paints the seeing of the treat in place makes aware the Wheat,
the calendar of character in present arithmetic does blues but at lest it sharks Addressed for the shingle Cobbler tuned,
a roof with Skeleton that moving part Which all do have deep within the Heart,
a logic that is silent as the Forest in the Saw, 
feeling it in the bones because the Trees have Trunks,
what does the Factory claw but Mills.

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