Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Dough Be Land Ho!!

What Is a Mountain but Lava on Control,
rocks that begin to Fire the flame is on the go,
in Mist of the World foggy are the Bridges,
does the sea be send to stay or hour Lagoons to Spits At Clay??

The dolphin is A singing,
the sheets are in the wave,
did that say to ocean that were shipped on the bay??

Shall the river speak to Creek did the hill Volcano entry feed,
making that the glorious explosion of land at this A reen uh,
walk to the shore ask the sand a brush,
moving slate to easy beach is as the or ka greets a touch.

Shift to gear on Outer Case a Library of dust,
part a calls from where is such thus fields marking Space.

On this plan It earth the wealth shakes the ground to hand to bust,
marble statues are a show but what is granite spacing,
is it word to words of worth or is the sentence bearing,
drivers for the Brain at work is Knowing of the compass`d.

Just a state of knock knock or is it Who's on first,
what is on second And aye don't nose on third,
Homer is a writers block While poet Trees a spurring,
did the leg of Chicken play as the Rooster crowing.

Across the bisque a skull said Mind the fact Ore on Or rye On,
Universal understand that choice is Comprehension,
double scene to worth of words defining at the diction,
that will be a prose decide to speak of whats a pen Shin,
from tread to pebble in the shoe sending sand oles lots of glue just delivers would to particle board a clue.

Now is this remote viewing via the Internet got cruise,
or is the purr Cept shin an owe shin full of prove,
for EST is the grove Ur and written is the Tea,
what is in the Saucer should cups know Mugs at Measure of A New.

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