Tuesday, November 10, 2015

And It Is Said That The Roads Hi Ways Made Of Tarmac Don't Have A Memory Of The Breezes Traffic??

Engine on the run pause, Oil in the test pause, wrench of the Tightened pause, And life is on the Way paused,
out to the Fresh Air is the breeze on the Compass,
Wind is the steady of Waving Hello to eh Shore,
inside In for may Shin did the Kernel Corn,
popping is the bounce that Knows the sandy Chord.

Making bakers does^in to insure there is no claim,
gold bets the Ore to language of the grace,
at the table serving shiver is a goose,
did the duck on feather route sound the tunnel taste??

Owe look the Echo heard a stall & cheese is much to slate,
that dry Creek says to the Cloud is the Rein a root,
the Cave of paints back in the shade just Marked the chorus Taro,
but as the Script did write the spake on Daily news it Daisies great!!

Sew touch the Writers of the Future,
a barrel full of Monk keys,
coffee on the bean a read,
filters know the Paper scene,
a double U for now is touch A beam of light to Say,
thus When Win is X at Y the Zephyr wrote to state a shy.

The Question snails Trail,
the Comment through a real,
should the front door here a knock than Conversations meal,
dinner Out is farther loud Moving to the base of Trout,
for on the River off the Mountain rose thorns thread a silk in very Now.

Speaking century with a Calm is basic back to training,
taught from to sending some to date its been a round bend,
fountain flows Sprinkles where the puddles made the eyes of cheek,
yet what is a smile but a Choice to move the Wares to thorough reins but Port.

The World is big as any Ocean terminals a shore,
Steamers roll to sing the strong all while land is beaches sand,
row Row row the boat,
oars of Cork did drink the Wave,
what shell is the diver with a pier at social depth of grade,
On Deck is the Rider at the count down is a gal^X^Sea,
or is it the space for face shoal recognition.

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