Friday, December 25, 2015

What A^Leg^Grow Does Choice Tap Dance??

Dance the Elocution to thee Brass of the Ballet on the Teak at the jade of Oak Tree Deeds!!!,
raised on the shore of that oat,
meal with Dinner and breakfast this Buffet!!

There it is Plain as A Day on the Perch,
found on that travel of sail to Waves,
beaches tell Shores that the Sands a trail??

Be of the Opera on the Symphony of Truth and Shale,
chess is a game and Well checkers is the Battleship of detail Note,
this is the trade of the dawn on a Trail of the ride!!

Hard Tack??
oh I know it must be that per Fume of bottle pressure to or corked Champagne,
or is the screw top on the plywood of making a House to blow down the hey,
stacks on the library in cycle la Pea deed uh a difference to walk the course of life on a squirrel.

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