Friday, December 25, 2015

What Is Hot Shoeing??

Today is December the 25th of Two-thousand Fifteen at exactly 2:26 PM on the clock,
this is a day that has brought enter Web to what I did not know of as active be gone,
thus the letters of posts that have shot from hand to the wrest of music at taught Sea.

The call of the Home that is in San Francisco answered in gratitude the Oregon of residence,
in that the Front Door was the the bell ringing twas Hello from To thus this conversation on silents.

My Mother is found to be of strength to the voice,
vernacular rang to structure of course,
steady on the best I have heard her in years,
lifted from troubles of trouble some Piers!!

To this simplicity the Complex is those actual Inks well,
for the Mountains of Fountain the Seltzer of tells,
in not what was part of the conversation for shell but that Leek Soup was a Cucumber Dill.

Sew as the fiber of language theme brought address to the staff,
a curious detail phoned the cellar tack,
saddle on girth the Bridle bit truth,
a Compass of North by the West of the lead.

First it came with enter the keyboard of strike up the Query,
than it gave no pandora to Bing,
that cable car verse to the sold at the lock,
leaving a Leaf to gargantuan knot.

the depth to the Blink is of Windshields cropped,
for cheeks are rosy with bubbling stock,
safe to secure with My Grandparents lot,
infamous driveway with Oak Trees speak to the Birch that just breeze.

The scent of lovely must bring such love just on spot,
the tremendous favor to that road with a knock,
to conversations that memory a file of Chess that does not fall down As the dominoes pot,
green tea Beethoven Darjeeling english Breakfast with Mozart as Bach,
for while the collection grew to well grace in the spice,
play the piano write Music to hop Scotch these are the Words that bring Discovery to be *bop!! 

  • Bop, (to bop or boppin') a style to dance solo to rockabilly or blues music, common since the 1950s
  • Bop, shortened form of Bebop, an early modern jazz developed in the 1940s
    • hard bop, a style of jazz music that is extension of bebop (or "bop") music

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