Sunday, January 17, 2016

What Was Inside The Barrel An The Chain?? A Rafter?? A Floor?? Dust?? Or The Air??

So there was this dream of the reality on life as the music ran to the tempo of the breeze,
suddenly the Cyclone bounced and spoke to the earthquake??,
wow the Tom cause crate,
the bare Ole of the blister in the Tornado on the Tidal Wave of the draw to Sea??
or sun the Moon on the statute of the Sand??,
while the rocks grumbled and the whistle bird`d the day to that was the Media on camera be Zerk!!

Trade laws cast the 'Now Trend ding' ding a Ring owe lens to blinking?? the brass Thorns??,
oh well said the wheel that red Pen ran to dry Erase the chalking Bored,
at that New York valued only Puff the Magic dragon & then the broke Went to Stand??,
nigh the Minute on that Show of the tremble of Air Shores to spank the Air with no sway,
the measure of gasoline??,
the Vase of Pour ring Rattled the Snake in a Plumbers Hand to the Toilets British above the bowls reverse,
the flow going which direction in the Whirlpool??

Oh gosh Darn said the Commercial to the Mr. McCartney of the fix-it with Dialing for dollars Ed Mic Man,
that rinse Cycle is the Musk on the found,
ride hard big brother the lands of this Country is on the Worlds war of Battle Ship for the Tree.

Fruits on the basque It to turning System Operation pastel in the Paint store of 10th and Clement,
that corner store with the 10 Speed off the Schwinn,
remember the basement of the door and the Padlock on the combo,
it is the spook to that disappear Read appear on the Moving of the Day Mur of a Whisper wit that saddle Ax boned.

Trades are on the squeal as the W-2 For Tee is the Computer with that Screen on writ,
a answer for the grown to thee brass of the Shield for I will not quit this Emergency of a shallow.

Creek my speak to the Movie Serenity as the words of the Minus plus the Bar scene to that know,
release the held breath to more than believe this moving stone a Cross the dimension of that drawing pencil,
back in the day width of dictionary to Maid over Wording?? defining the bind Ding cable NOW!!
bridle for the Collection gathering this Chimney root,
Golden Gate prowess with the Stable on the boot,
fountain of the to High for my Pony Freckles but not not scene to the Soot of Humanity on deep.

Gauge this founder of the National Media Corks to the Horse Understanding of the Feeds,
not soaking nor over Oat`d not enough Flax minus the MSG,
add the Red Cell put into the Cube,
mole lass sis to a stick key to that Old Time run Up with a ger and Roo,
its the An gee to Provide the sipping Flute to KFC,
no that can't be Right 'cause every body all ready no's it,
the Rats deep fried as the chicken spoke Cats to Turkeys and bee's,
hive's on the Honey drinks in the glass of shades to those ancient mirrors in the downstairs lats.

Lathe to the Rest Room as the temptation is to bellow of the Wainscoting of the Stem,
pleat the Hemming to gems on the ruff Diamonds with the shine as the bigger tell of lust,
invitation Cane as Sugar at the skill & Cream a Reed be bust,
narrow are the days of the Watch to that Desk of counter on the garden with a stifle on the Roof,
remember the breath of gasp and say that Science Frictions a Cruise to family of the dumb joint,
grass in Australia touching dry Heaps of waist`d Venue to the Time it takes to laugh it back,
riding to this Country's Storm on the girth of a cinch to barbed Wire and prick lee brains of the rasp.

Each Media has the Computer to that tweet on the Chirp of the Facebook knows,
then its the Craigslist to core ink with moreover a mind on the wrap,
round the bends to Bump the candle on the Wax job of the Ba ki knee.

Beans and the Mills,
factory and cones,
pi lawns with clippings to commercial the Tin Roof,
Men on the doorbell of History are ringing to the commercial of why siding.

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