Tuesday, February 16, 2016

No Day Shall Erase From A Page's Voice The Pass Tell Off The Times Of Station With Vocals And Raven , For Even The Wings Speak With The Winds Seal^Lean Ask The Clap 'Cause That Is Not A Cloud.

Sir Jury is of the Trial and Consistency of the Trade Wars on Hand to Mouth??,
is invitation Teller the Mister Read on an avenue of Pen,
is the Noun on the Name in reverse of the Oblong a Chute or silents of the shore??

Did the Sub. Marine in the Ship Tarps of Cannon not Yet Tank??,
does the stream of the Hieght of Special Steep whistle to the Thumper bump Purr??,
is the strangling factor on that Tie fir to the Birch of the oak on the Navel??,
is copper Tops to Button down the Shirt tale or Cloak room with a Hook-UP??

What say to Choose??,
is the specific to stern the keel of the wheel in the rein on the glen of Perspective scope,
on that under belly itch to bearings of the Snickers bar on the can Dee lane??,
when is the Truth a Put to the Language??,
on the side??,
on the Feat??,
for the Door,
the Hinge,
the speak,
the breathing seep??,
sweat tours and sleep??,
average shows??,
temptation on the bands??.

Navigational Co^Or^duh^Knints??,
traveling the pants??,
bridles for sticks??,
range on the mile??,
burns Oregon??,
pasture lands??,
clear creeks??,
shuffle Lean theory of knowledge on a steak Out??.

Be of the Free Skate and that Glacier is an interesting Tell,
sheets falling into the bay of the large body of wading through the blank its on branch bragging??,
true Hoe down at the Okay Corral,
for all know the dairy with a Milking spring,
oh weight,
that plausible spread on whom is what where and Why??.

It must be . . . . .
The Scene.

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