Sunday, July 24, 2016

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Put (card game)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Tavern Game of Ill Repute
Joos van Craesbeeck Card Players.JPG
A game of cards Joos van Craesbeeck.
Skills requiredTactics & Strategy
Playing time15 min.
Random chanceMedium
Related games
Put is an English tavern trick-taking card game first recorded in the 16th century[1] and later castigated by 17th century moralists as one of ill repute.[2] It belongs to a very ancient family of card games and clearly relates to a group known as Trut, Truque, also Tru, and the South American game Truco. Its more elaborate version is the Spanish game of Truc, which is still much played in many parts of Southern France and Spain.


The name Put, pronounced "u", like the name of the English village of Putney,[3] derives from "putting up your cards in cafe", if you do not like them, or from "putting each other to the shift".[4]

"The Buck"[edit]

The game of Put appears in a "riddle", or acrostic, probably written by a Royalist in the thrilling interval between the resignation of Richard Cromwell on May 25, 1659 and the restoration of Charles II, crowned at Westminster Abbey on 23 April 1661. It expresses in enigmatical terms the designs and hopes of the King's adherents, under colour of describing a game of "Put". The initial letters of the seven verses are an anagram, and indicate the number of cards shared between the two players in the game. S, X, I, C, R, A, T, make SIX CART, or six cartes (six cards). Six cards, also, are expressly mentioned in the riddle itself, namely: "the Knave" (line 2), "a King" (3), "Heart" (5), "Trey", "Quarter" or quatre, and "the Buck" (7). "The Buck", probably one of the picture-cards, or the ace, inferior to "Trey", which is the best card in the game of put; therefore "Trey" comes "to pull down the Buck".[5]
"The Buck" is an old English synonym for the Coarse Appellation, intended, no doubt, for a Puritan, or for the Puritan party.
"Pulling down the Buck", is also an allusion to hunting.

The game[edit]

The game of Put is played generally by two people, sometimes by three, and often by four, with a 52-card pack with cards ranking 3-2-A-K-Q-J-T-9-8-7-6-5-4 in each suit. The game is won by the first player to score 5 points over as many deals as necessary, or by the player who wins a majority of three tricks played in any deal.

The deal[edit]

The player drawing the highest Put card (Three high, Four low) deals first, and the deal alternates. Shuffle thoroughly and deal three cards to each player in a clockwise mode, one at time. The turn to deal always passes to the left.

The play[edit]

Tricks are played to unusual rules. Any card may be led, and the other player may also play any card: there is no need to follow suit and there are no trumps. The trick is taken by the higher card, and the winner of one trick leads to the next. If cards of equal rank are played e.g. two Threes, two Aces, or whatever, the trick is tied and belongs to neither player. In this case it is put to one side, and whoever led to it leads to the next.
If non-dealer throws up his cards, he loses 1 point; if he plays, and the dealer does not lay down another to him, he scores 1 point; but should the dealer either win the same, pass it, or lay down one of equal value, forming what is styled a tie, non-dealer is still at ease to Put, that is, play or not, and his opponent then only scores 1 point; then if both parties agree to go on, whoever wins all the tricks, or two out of three, scores 5 points, which is the game. If each player obtain one trick, and the third is a tie, then neither party scores.

Putting & Throwing[edit]

Either player, when about to lead to a trick, may do one of three things:
  • Throw his hand in, thus conceding the deal and 1 point to the opponent.
  • Lead a card without saying anything. His opponent must then play.
  • Say "Put", which is short for "I put it to you that you should throw your cards in while you have the chance". If the opponent follows this advice, the deal ends and the putter scores 1 point. If not, putter leads and the other must play.


The game is won outright, regardless of points scored, by the player who winds two tricks in a deal, or one trick if the other two are tied. If each player wins one trick and one trick it tied, the result is a draw by "trick and tie" and there is no score for that deal. If neither wins outright, the winner is the first player to score 5 points for concessions.

The laws of Put[edit]

  • If the dealer accidentally discover any of his adversary's cards, the latter may insist upon a new deal.
  • If the dealer discover any of his own cards in dealing, he must abide by the deal.
  • When a faced card is discovered during the deal, the cards must be reshuffled and dealt again.
  • If the dealer give his adversary more cards than are necessary, the adversary may call a fresh deal, or suffer the dealer to draw the extra cards from his hand.
  • If the dealer give himself more cards than are his due, the adversary may add a point to his game, and call a fresh deal, or draw the extra cards from the dealer's hand.
  • No bystander must interfere, under penalty of paying the stakes.
  • Either party saying "I put", that is, "I play", play cannot retract, but must abide the event of the game or pay the stakes.


It is obvious that neither player will reach 5 points, because as soon as he reaches 4 the other will have no incentive to concede. Having nothing to lose, he may as well play the hand out on the off-chance of winning outright. This is not necessarily a defect in the game, though there may be a defect (of omission) in the only original source from which all later accounts of the game derive. What it means, in effect, is that in the course of one game you have four chances of throwing your cards in without penalty the points are not a score so much as a way of keeping count of your used opportunities. Of course, you could agree that an outright win earns a double game or stake, and a win on points only a single, in which case they become a "score" rather that of a "count".
Considerable daring is necessary in this game,[6] for a bold player will often "Put" upon very bad cards in order to tempt his adversary into giving him a point. Sometimes the hand is played with "Putting", when the winner of the three tricks, or of two out of three, scores 1 point. The best cards are first: the Three's, next the Two's, and then the Aces; the Kings, Queens, Knaves, and Tens following in order down to the Four, which is the lowest card in the pack.


The game becomes more interesting if you shorten the pack to 32 cards by stripping out all the lower ranks from Four to Nine.

Put le Truc[edit]

In his book A Gamut of Games, Sid Sackson describes a similar French game called Le Truc, which he translates as "The Knack". This is played with a 32-card pack ranking 6-7-A-K-Q-J-T-9. The winning of two tricks, or one and two ties, scores 1 point. When about to play to a trick, a player may propose to double the value of the hand, allowing the other to throw in his hand to prevent the double from taking effect. The first to reach 12 points wins the game, and the first to win two games wins the rubber. This version of Truc is closely related to the English Put.


This is a lively and amusing round game, and is played with a pack of fifty-two cards, which rank in the same order as at Whist. Each player deposits a certain number of counters in the pool, from one to three, and the dealer double the number of the others. Three cards are dealt, one at a time, to each player, and one turned up for trumps, which the dealer may sell to any one who will purchase it, either before or after it is turned up. The highest trump card dealt out is entitled to take the pool, but the cards are not to be looked at except in this manner: The elder hand turns the uppermost of his three cards; if not trumps, or if lower than the dealer's turn-up, it is of course of no value: but if higher, he may sell it to any one who chooses to speculate, and the price offered should bear some proportion to the chance of the card being the best trump in the deal, and likewise to the number of counters in the pool. This is done by asking who will buy; and if two or more offer a price, the seller of course accepts the highest bidder's offer, if he considers it adequate to the value of the card. If a sale is not effected, the next in hand turns the uppermost of his cards, and if it is a saleable png[clarification needed], proceeds to sell it as above described. When a, card is sold, it .is h? buyer, who places it before him, and .does HQt[clarification needed] turn any of his remaining cards till a higher trump appears, his left-hand neighbor becoming elder hand, and turning the next card. In this way the playing goes on, till all the cards are turned, when, as before stated, the holder of the best trump, whether by purchase or otherwise, wins the pool.
When a good trump is turned by any of the party, he should be allowed time to sell it before another card is discovered. On turning knaves and fives of any suit, a counter is to be paid into the pool for each, by the possessor of the hand in which they happen to be.
It is customary to purchase cards before they are turned, when they happen to be among the last, and no high trump already discovered. Speculations are frequently profitable; but if you turn a good card, it is generally advisable to sell it if you can obtain a fair price, particularly if there are many cards to turn. A cautious player sometimes sells his hand before it is dealt, or before turning any of his cards, if he can get more for H than his stake in the pool.
This game is sometimes a little varied by dealing a spare hand, which is not to be looked at till all the hands are discovered, and if it should contain the best trump dealt, the pool remains for the next deal, in addition to the usual contributions of each player, thus doubling the amount.

Four-handed Put[edit]

It differs only in that any two of the players give each his best card to his partner, who then lays out one of his, and the game is afterwards played as in two-handed Put.

Elder Sign (card game)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Picture of "Elder Sign" during play
Elder Sign is a cooperative card and dice game, based on the Cthulhu Mythos of horror writer H.P. Lovecraft and Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. It is published by Fantasy Flight Games, which also produces the Cthulhu Mythos games Arkham HorrorCall of Cthulhu: The Card GameMansions of Madness, and Eldritch Horror.


  • Players randomly select a monster (known as an Ancient One) to oppose. The Ancient One requires a certain number of elder sign tokens to "seal" or imprison it. Conversely, the Ancient One can be "awakened" or released by a number of doom tokens. There are also many other less powerful monsters that can appear during the game.
  • Each player chooses an investigator to play as (usually randomly), each investigator having unique abilities. [1]
  • Players take turns exploring a randomly generated room (there are Adventure cards and Other World cards). If a player succeeds at completing all of the tasks in the room they are exploring, they obtain a reward. Conversely, if they fail, they receive a penalty. If the player's investigator is devoured (either by losing all of their stamina and/or sanity), they lose what they originally had, a doom token is added to the doom track, and the player returns to play as a different investigator.
  • Rooms are explored until either the Ancient One is "sealed" or "awakened". If the Ancient One is sealed, the players immediately win. If the Ancient One awakens, the players must face it in battle. This battle is designed to be extremely difficult with a low chance of success, so players must try to prevent the Ancient One from awakening at all costs.


Giaco Furino of Fearnet wrote, "If you're a Cthulhu fan this game is a must."[2] Michael Harrison of called it "a fun, thrilling dice game".[3]


An expansion called Unseen Forces was released in 2013. It introduced the Blessed/Cursed mechanic. Two new dice were added - a player uses the white die when they are Blessed and the black die when they are Cursed. The Blessed die has the same sides as a green die and its result can be used to help complete adventure card tasks. The Cursed die also has the same sides as a green die but instead of using its result to aid you, if it matches the result of another die that was rolled, both dice are removed for the remainder of the adventure, making it harder to complete it. The expansion also added many new cards to the game, including optional Master Mythos cards that can be used to increase the difficulty of the game. [4]
A second expansion called Gates of Arkham was released in 2015. It introduced a new game mode called 'Streets of Arkham' which completely changes the way the game is played. Instead of always having adventure cards face up, they are face down, adding a completely new unknown element to the game. There are ways to flip cards over, but typically, each player explores the streets of Arkham at their own risk, not knowing what tasks will be required to complete an adventure until the player has already committed to it. This, along with other elements, such as gate openings, make the game significantly more difficult than the normal game mode. [5]
In 2016, a third expansion called Omens of Ice was released. Instead of the museum or the streets of Arkham, the action takes place in Alaska. Players must gather supplies and deal with increasingly bad weather along with new monsters and Ancient Ones. Omens also adds new investigators and item cards to aid players in this multi-staged Alaskan adventure. [6]
Also in 2016, a small, print-on-demand expansion called Grave Consequences was released. This modular expansion features three new decks which increase narrative elements of the gameplay while adding difficulty. Phobia cards put limitations on investigators' choices, Epitaph cards provide boons to the surviving investigators when one of their own is devoured, and Epic Battle cards change the way the final battle with the Ancient One is played. [7]


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