Thursday, August 23, 2012

Radical Reasoning

I languished in the Eye of Time.
Lashing myself to third sight.
A gifted kind, winds.

The ticking seconds;  Applauds me.

As the Hands turn my very being,
I beg a cursed threat.
To lend my pause from Humanity.

With a gentle, teasing breeze,
I ask,
"Why Me."
 I am neither lost, nor without Home.

A Well-Oiled respond.
An Emerald sense,
a Garnet now,
"You must meet like."

To Chime?

To ring, to shine.

A Device?

A Man.

To inseminate?

No, to build a trust just for you.

..and possibly a Band too?
I choke to know.

A plausible thought to turn into Plot.

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