Saturday, May 24, 2014

Bravado Logic

The Recovery will never be Had,
acceptance may become possible,
re-Living Events each Day,
not because I want to ,
but because people will not let it Go!!

The First Effort!!,
not the most difficult,
most common 'Just' survival,
the run of what's done.

Years May Pass,
the burden time,
the breaking down Shows,
All of the Time!!

Targets on 'Our' backs,
aim is taken,
People fire upon 'Our' lives,
knowing 'We' cannot/will not fight back.

Surrounded by uncaring just go-overs,
doing that is a reminder,
'We' stopped for a Reason.

If going on was so easy,
why not take 'Our' hand and say,
I'll stand with You!!

Time does not heal pain,
silence makes it go away,
for everyone but the damaged,
open-wounds that never get air, fester,
infection occurs.

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