Saturday, May 24, 2014

Dictionary Class Actions Pt. 2

The tempting shadow,
the angled steeps,
a firm of Terra Role.

Know questions answer,
thought to told,
a Turkey Roast for Sake!!

A Cup of Shock,
horror or Stalk,
the road to pave was (LIFE) try,
delivery is a Life!!

The black hole,
a spacial Toll,
not to pay-Collect,
a Target still does Fret,
in all it seems so set!!

The Movie House of Out-About,
the watch of people pry,
to total pockets,
fattened wallets,
reality the with a share.

Disappointment might then Rank,
the kernel of the thorn,
however while it Hits,
the bone of Marrowed leads,
more than I will lose!!

It becomes Believed.

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