Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Galloway Origins The Fell

In Nature the eagles Crow,
the sharpened beeks the Talonds feats,
to shore the Meets in breasted keeps,
a blessing of the blue to beets.

Turnip bulbs to daffodil holds,
the creatures of such bearer molds,
the paths of oxygen breathing lulls,
a Hammock in the blend.

Fork the Palm to the Tree of Strongs,
the clever in the tide off wrongs,
an Ebb to Flow the Coastal know,
treasures knot clevered to Hinged a Cold.

Cod in Fishing, Boats of diggings,
tombs erupted by Mans of wiggings,
curl the Arms of Arch the stem,
a Synapse Fires to Flaming trimmed.

Cut back to revolve the doors in stalled,
Hotels advertised the Five in why's,
the Lobby enters the Couch to read,
the backs of which will due the soon.

Creative bye Design in Lines,
the flight of whom shall guide these shrines,
a dime to dropping a quartered wise,
reasons Being to Futured dines,
the heating of the hotter Talks.

Sheep the Cow to the Milk in Sow,
the casting not in vain,
for even the Sand of the grits to Plan,
respective to the Oceans stew.

Little pots I've seen in Lot,
the stove of interest in house of thought,
a wonder went with Wine in wrought,
the Table rewarded by tips to lords,
existing from various borts.

Clip the Cluck to a horses Muck,
a pitchfork or a hey stock struck.

Musical tribes of blesting Vibes,
played in Intro's of the green grass vied.

The trigger pulls to whom the Toll,
Flicka is a Friend in Olds,
books taken burned for Class,
not Ancients just a Painted vas.

Dissolve the Riggings towards No offering,
pages would be set to chapter,
numbers valued to dog eared patch,
berth the Ports the Portals facts.

Terror not these Writings of no long past,
present future applies the math,
divisive speaks in stilts Vee Peaks,
watches now the digital breathes.

In sonic blasts of understanding,
the quick of the recording in Mind of no snoring,
the shutter fly in the Camaras Eye,
no third lid could Can didst good.

Speed of Realms in Reins to braid,
leather smells the sweets of laid,
to question answer I'll be for played,
the Tack Shop has a Horse in Stay. 

Sporting Twinned at Birth

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