Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Uncle Dennis Had A Pond The Round Of The Stable Clocked Louds

J & G ~ Alfred Meakin Pottery in the Fame,
Hall to Home of Uncle,
the Ponds in such Claims.

Punting down the rivered Town,
the Pub on Liquid Rounds,
the stool of benched in such is Loud,
Harrow School Exacts.

To grace the Brit a Father whipped,
yes Stepping much the same,
towards Cambridge University,
the grocer of the Sound.

A god less world of real in birth,
attraction to the Englished turf,
dialect in accent,
Reads in frothy Brilliance.

The leaping of the troughs important,
the chill unto the bones,
enhanced with the standing,
in lines until the groans.

The trickle of the extreme in zeal,
the suds of fields grosse,
a Prophet or a Turtled Plot,
the Blunt shares more than Most.

Shall we dance Professors stance,
the Paddle of the bottomed trance,
the trip to the wilds romance,
a book or a Compact Lance.

Trains on Rails over Country Dales,
the Island of the Sweater,
a knitted woven Aran blend,
an Irish glint to Men!!

A boating to the Piers of Trend,
shocking to this journey in,
for Uncle Richard seemed to be,
ever lasting in Scenes of deeds.

Fishing Nets of Ages Wets
the awl repairing twining hemp,
the cup of tea in saddle shop,
the Pay Phone at the Top.

Single lined to Wicker Man,
a strange disturb in flick,
the Castle on the Shields,
the stretch of it from sit.

Galloping Twin Ponies,
across the quilted plane,
sheep would scatter in funny latter,
trouble all the blame.

Riding with a boy in gift,
the plays of writ repeat,
words so few but temper you,
James Blunt you have a Stet!!

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