Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Appreciating Small Favors

Riding horses is a sport that increases the thirsty to go more towards the Rogue as that is said to be Suicide,
the strength in a horse is the magnitude of power in it's raw perfection of cooperation between a Set of Two,
when Horses turn the Corner to become haters of Men a generally used connotation for Sake of explain.

A death ride to understand the turn of the Mind can be seen in the language of the body torn fight,
the deliberate 'Check-Me' to the look in the eye while standing peacefully without threat entices best,
that calm before the storm of interference coming through as never good enough I'll beat you to submit,
chaining the Curb to Halter the Stop must relate the Crop as not a Case of any other mess do or die clearly.

This is the introduction to no other side just a cooperation to understand the vile pain within a mass of alive,
moving with care and precision for no allowance to the waffling about in oh maybe or oh I should have's,
will envelope a Concise Entry into what is already extreme in damaged goods by Human hands that kill,
with force the either is the product of the finished product leaving dead alive or dead or a Life in tug.

Gaining Trust is foremost in such recovery of a Rogue Horse on the Road to the Killers for less,
the one on one time in nothing more than the peace of Mind communicating lines of security starts the go.

As quickly as time permits it is reliant on the next fix to encourage the absolute in jumping to the Moon,
for once the Horse is in Love with You for being You the Horse will Course the Universe in a Blind,
there is nothing as magnificent as that feeling while riding an animal that could kill you in a single round.

It's the spooks and the other funny reactions that allow you to know that life is fragile testing truth,
a sort of backwards look to forward See if You are respecting or advantaging the trust to hurt or be,
in the arena of riding on the trail of enjoyment it's the silence that builds the bond of all ways thoughts.

As most all and very much the horse is more intelligent that I could have ever hope to have been,
the guiding direction has maintained that when an Animal looks to a Noise I ask what is it should we run,
is it death coming to visit or is it just You acting protectively to see if I appreciate the Note of Care.

You Really Must Be Present In Any Life To Know There Are Doors Swinging in the Winds of Timed   

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