Monday, August 25, 2014

Back Vision

Dry thirst quenched with cups of Sand are dunes in the Form of the World,
I speak Spam.

Text to Tweet,
compared character,
verse treat great Send,
explanations using Words not vibration.

Understanding while read with verbiage to languaged`d,
designed to able the simple storm cable.

Telephone pulls click Clique,
the pony express to the Canter,
spelling on specifics to a Wagging,
familiars those Shadow`d by Arrows done drawn,
value the string that drawn is Up on.

Tablets to heed are the knows that can speech,
the gauge to the Valve is called pipeline that's Teach.

Lighting the candle to dimming the switch,
should suggestion bring Caterers or offer the Niche,
as dinner for my growth in the spring of living waters,
forwards are booming Voices that ring,
an Organ full-stop the Plugs or the crop,
the peace of bay~tow~Ven. my Mother was shop.

Best of Delivery came trait of the Prop, 
for I was taught to be better than rock,
never does the brain case not ream to the state,
however the platform has always been brake,
in creating a Kind by close up and Personal,
the Talks are the tribute that don't sting without Parable.

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