Monday, August 25, 2014

Basically Mugged

The memorandum to write in & on the pen of a stroke,
is the remind to the verse in the palm of a hand,
as hand shake to eye wake the hug to a body,
the work in Society has broken ties of Natural reply,
for in the hint of a drop line to the straight question asked,
the answer to always is the hurry up bashed.

Start a fire with the match lite of life in the busy,
of people that don't stop to account for the stung,
as many indifferent to the word via tongue,
by the delivery of language the soak is a lung`d.

Computers technology the step on the nerve,
backs built for being the chapter of heard,
forge a study in the logical pave,
on sides of the tanks the troughs even play,
pull the choice favor in last of it's rare check,
to the balance you may find the stair in a climb.

Not to fall from a horse that saddle of course,
seats are the greats that patient in face,
skill to the 'morrow from today news a cased,
books that have written plans in a stray.

Holding to promise the Speak of a strong,
wrists are for Watch's that band buckle form,
dignified base structure plates fed on the cog,
should the read be the reason than coffee is nod,
bog down the performance with social true grace.

The smile I give is the stature of raise,
in birth I found that the best way to sound,
was the direct type approach to believe in a coat,
if its cold than a sweatshirt for I'm a city kid born,
in the bitter chill of this life I've discovered this Forum.

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