Monday, August 25, 2014

The Finish

The countenance of life itself in the came as the Universe Whispers choice decides,
a breathing in breaking the stagnate of pools,
a Mind full creates to Change in the gruel,
food that is grown from base of the bone,
living the tremble to advancing a phone,
'The Calling' of sent a Message in Flint.

The range of the System in solar of vent bursting with favor to Mirror the present,
go sync with the Matter that Creation evolves,
consider the World as it spins top like Ball,
bounce that Red nature to a Waterfall cause,
the Ocean is filled with fresh Interest that Squall,
gulping in back~flow the importance by stream.

Shedding the ice to writing on sheets liken the Wall of melting raise All,
explosive I position an attitude Hi,
the basis of doing what brings a good crawl,
dropping dimes like Change the bark is a star,
read gift a penny the Fountain fits many,
the granite of fact that delivers purr laugh true Figurine.

Golden Gate Park has a Pan Handle start offering stairs that walk us with share,
at least that was the conditional fair the 60's would bring daisies to rifles in care,
the blocks that did gather to Walk on with stride,
liberty torn Freedom as the Nation did spy,
in the boil of the criticism I listened I watched,
good people great talent involved with so touched.

The hill that did bump with the bodies in style dancing that Tribal was a true type to Wild,
the one shown common was the same purpose did gravel,
the age of exposure to Times of the frost,
Streakers that 70's strange across Games,
the plunder of clearly the fire in exchange,
like asking where Dinosaurs fit in the tame yet knowing that so much came from Their grain.

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