Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Grooming Trails While James Blunt Buried Mails

Touch talent at the base of a shore the gift is the height of a Mountainous roar,
the echo of the concert to the Outdoor before is the Concert of the stout tasking responsibility phone,
as the Caller of I.D. is the fact of the Track speaking James Blunt is as deep at a core,
for in the wade on beach to Ocean The Top still is a view of eternity by from the Infinity at breeze!!

The World can do the guard blocking this at store,
the stall of Humanity will prove the Change is door,
in the Year of tides in rise the Optical will See,
that in the blink of the aye that deck is on The Peer!!

To take at the receipt of bill is Sin Boards in the form,
don't trap the snapper at the rat than Mice and Men are back,
upon a blank the Rifle Tank is tracking at drop dare,
the cards on the Table and purse is shocking Horse.

Horror at the sped of pace is galloping to Plain,
across the path a Buffalo is grading on the slain,
rounded wagons Indian an american by Fame,
will dig to the heels up for chilled Out is riding shape.

James Blunt may go to the edges on this climbing ride,
for with the balance of the Seat the public snaps his rib,
a good and helpful change that breaks the gardens trap,
bitten is the knowledge of social pounding sacked.

Grand this opportune at Time to ages that still crack,
on the side of the walk each nursery rhyme times fact,
everything starts sum of Wares in totals it's the jack,
pumping like the lust in I will bump the gear to shack.

At the lodge of fireplace a burning Kindle bytes,
location with an Arrowhead the part that ripples slap,
ski the boards to kept the doors and shut the Windows slat,
off the counter with the glove for Jackets have a Tack.

Pin up Walls on cobbled falls will ouch the Foot to land,
on the Moon of spooning sound the ran will be that knack,
even Science has a dip to stars the etch to drawn,
a central station with the Ceiling on the Sistine pong!!

Turn on the sex and bank the bland as laid behind the flow,
in the come of dry lip gum the teeth that sync will Show,
like in the gears of good Auld oh a december day of January slipping Inn kissed bye go.

Ewe can't stop the flock from gathering in The Field,
those mystery jumps that boob it spot still leap to magic thumps,
a rabbit hole that prints Tattoo is often found with Tree,
for what is in the pasture are squirrels mounds that read.

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