To the Rounds of Incredible in the Diversity of Rares,
the dives with said Century the Age of the Width,
the grades of indifference to the shiver of threats,
off with their Head was a commoners dead.
Sit to the Ride of the Equal in stride,
countenance values the Past in it's depth,
to understanding reason not quick to the Judge,
the Peers in today so readily crave.
A bite or the opportunity to point out a spite,
in glasses worn hardily not needed for Sight,
the reflective appearance the annoyance to blind,
the change of the style stirs up enter prime.
Swap the chairs it's not fair that one sits to bare,
to close in proximity the hurt has it's terms,
the least of the most is learning to learn,
the teacher is often the Mentored in returns.
Shall we produce a ribbon or shred the Mind,
real to the film it's an obvious in bind,
Training does offer it's benefits in Time,
creation did say Evolve for the Stein.
For Mugs with a Head to the Proper in Lead,
coffee does also make question these beds,
if cream is like Chocolates and Milk is the Sug,
than should I state fairly that Teas all ways could.
To the Ships we must Portal to Docks in the Tray,
the Earl of Grey my favorite in Play,
much like the memory I sang on the Stage,
Oh Henry Higgins those days seem a Ray.
The Class so was separate but sewed all the Same,
off to the Chapel you'll be late for the Dam,
itsy bitsy Spider the Web of seed games,
breathe in the laughter as many lives have lames.
Study the pours that came from great stress,
the value of accounts made good Men readdress,
worry is a broth stirrups to Thoughts,
it's how the Circus grew to bury a Lot.
Similarly Continents of Tribal in Fought,
grounds for dismissal not death by the caught,
in the middle of a presentation or frustrated by Life,
the often holds grips that kill in the rife.
A point to explode consider the load,
was it a Set-Up to show that 'See I told you so'
or in truth be said just places of be's,
the stinger holds treasures with these still beads.
Tank too Arms the Cyclone does Seed,
Zombies do freak me out I must Jeeves,
a deep seated scare from the days of know dare,
of course I worried so terribly the snare.
How can help you I know I can,
as I am running as fast a Man,
the stand I would make I practice for Sake,
Oh dear will it happen a disaster in Shake.
I'll reach to say I'd love to give you a Hand,
and with the confidence I know I can Plan,
to fear I'll jerk and say Oop's it's so clear,
you're missing your Arm but here it is ..Tear!!