Saturday, August 29, 2015

Oh Bit Chew Ware Ease Read Officer Linked To Hand Patties

The flash^bulb moment to a flash spines^sake in the teach of a fingers&snap of ginger.  The watt saw be to a thoroughfare of said to the body's fluid move meant a brake to readers digestion on living at life or living large!!

Trees are certainly in stance of ability to grove torque through multiple burn outs.  Shall the skirt of Human Beings employ any difference to the thought of syncing a charge of electrical currents touching dovetailed bureau on the abide of current home.  The phone tag in a game of life at death, at life at read, to talk life in death back to life's flip in dead, to know life is living death to life scenarios at last lather of breadth oxygen life lived.

The more that ewe spawn digging in the muds, the more it is the flats that will trout the dry dirt to touch the Marsh.  On the bog of lagged mass that is the limb of life's latch, a thug of bolt to foot notch in the spine of burlap well, deeply sat within define the fiber.  On thread to tack, the stream to creak, a spree be bridged to creative routes that have rubber banded loudly to pronounce the value of the the built purchase of currents lease.  These snot fillers know, to view that the disk in a back trace hour, are the stepping stones lived by ways and means that the mortality of being has delivered more than just a sling, rather the butt to trace the bling.

Dickery dickery dock,
the Mouse ran out the clock, 
the watch stuck twelve and thirteen said that the bake is in the lead,
owed down to what is in the laid, 
that was the death to old barn sade.

The ancient rack was twilight,
that star among the seated,
human crones the railed sewn oh for the doubt but if's,
true to fax the hand palm lax,
a flute to wrinkle all time.

Treat the flute with viola,
the rose in thorns to mill owe,
a grip in grind that mist of dew to twine the bale body loop,
the flop per open root.

Journey once the under sheet to discus of a corn a cope us,
in dripping blood the eat did drink and cup be laned a leads bus.

Tick talk stable blocks is the standard on the walk,
round about the worlds rock,
a global flew to land a shock,
raw the rough of mount rein locks,
owe for the CAGE!!

Tree Sun said in pour to Brain,
ease the speak to sentence lamp a breeze to wind the sigh clones light,
a cloud a scout to picture film up at the sky time throng singing matter turf,
these are the brings envelope,
the skin the mind of men toll lope, 
the state of just the states say soap.

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