Thought to a shores years back Baker Beach and the Avenue send of the sync,
a whole in the Wall of the retaining fact trends to a fill in the satchel with metal pass stew,
as the sudden in pack to the Trucks that dumped strap the Witness of said that is a skunk,
the strip core of a part meant strumming with added extra stills that a recycle said dumb,
it was in the compact of the lines of delivery that shook this particular to the rows,
in and out to the tax of the sit as the stuff was not sand but the empty full landing.
So as in the City of San Francisco lost a Home in the middle of gone,
as the trees swayed and that connecting lot just fell into that weird openings gutter,
who would have thought that the drainage in scotch would blow out to beaches Safes and big fear,
the horror of the noise to the disappear of a lot it is the unbelievable happens in chutes,
freaky find on the rivers in Springs to be that near to Lobos Creek in the clear lead of disappear.
Just in the known of the Arena of walk it raised with sharps to touching what I don't know,
horses pounding the ground to the earth and its shake but what of El NiƱo with the banks on the spot,
should the pour of the rein direction to flow a Marching Band heavies the location of slots,
as forceful pushes to water that's strange is the chemicals or the tunnels that blind peoples lossed.
In on the scene a drive to the cream is sew much on stitch that a thread is a star,
the distance to speak from what is the said a Satellite known was Herb on his score,
yet to that different my listen is quicken thus liquefaction with that particular store,
down Up above is the speaker so sound echoes will also be vibrations that go,
is the wave of traffic to thundering light shed with the harness of quiet its bad,
in reality of done the Flags are on run at the stirrup of scary the fall is of Times dime quarters slag.
At hand is the Horse to be of the Heard down on the Road Apples a staff off read leaf,
a put to the factor of rye lead to stick but the experience of journal is that its just deaf and rung,
hood ease to zippers the jeans and the boots,
saddles to girth with the cinch on Poe deeds,
the usual shore of the Tidal of drawn is many just stare to the Waves on a Bell,
that say money to hide with bytes to Tide from what is the Face of dirt on Mud slides.