Friday, November 20, 2015

The Jewels In The Neigh Neigh Of Course Its All About The Feed That Went From Hand To Mount Or Perhaps It Was The Discovery Of Absolute On Total Wipe Of How

Actually I believe that the IRS would be terribly interested in the Barns that stable the cash at gas for my car,
as I only got a Fastrak to touch the class of teaching kids to ride the lead of horses rode,
in this it is the convenient store of what I saw on daily chores,
for that is really at the core of this doorways threshold more.

To know of monies that I watched moved,
from the hands at lessons told,
I volunteered to be of sat. to this event of what chewed fat,
to the Trail on the guest may the virture show the clay,
for dg sang to base parade,
is the brave a flag or say.

To delve with more on my home of slow,
I now can put further Crow,
for in the Wash of dollar bills,
it is the stage of what is Tills,
coins of made to rise in post,
heat is Hot with making Ice,
mineral d.m.s.o can you say the needles stow.

For in this ankle of truth fact,
I have always paid tax shack,
even on that dill bowl loan knee,
in Sacramento my record grows,
to every year on doing trust,
now the screw does bolt the score.

Accounts in Witness first Person dashed,
to the grain that Vets in bitten,
gears do shift and thats just singing,
deep Wells on the structure penning!!

So go round to the basic back,
this will be the word of deed,
the Horse has been a rein of read,
for saddles bridles and bits that seated,
to much more that the paved on greet tin,
as in the now or on the pass,
I did the correct drive for the brass,
kids on riding to learning Tack,
for at Mill Wood shake the Shades had cast.

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