Friday, November 20, 2015

Wall Tour Math Ewe's Odd A See . . . .

When you Tweet the Notes to Text,
you can sing most all silk theme,
just like a little pony is a thread,
to the underground on the read,
just like abc to read that up ordering said,
does the steer do sheep??

Who is the only Won,
its the gift of what is where,
now bank that corner on the creek,
wet lips to taste this butter rum,
with the tweezers to pluck a pun,
bits to pieces puzzle alpha betting extra Gum.

These best of games on jacket terms,
foot for the Feat sports got a Leader shore,
to tack is the real time on the week sheet,
the bouncing language a ball to Karaoke on the string,
wrapped with Jam as A steady land.

Easy is the port of Angle,
per pen dick ewe lure to tackle the put,
bait with stride on the vernacular book,
is the minute talking timer to the square of rounds on Pearl or the Oyster look,
clams biscuits Crackers And Tris kits .

 Cheese spell Ham String.

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