Friday, May 13, 2016

What Is Ice^Cyst Should The Whirled Be See^Sick While The Peep^Pull Is In^eh^House Of Cards That Shifts Each Play To Oil Double^You 'D' For^Deed??

The ewe^rein^knee^yum balm of address^sing at radio^activity on_air is bar ba Cue to plew^tow^knee^yum,
as that is the press^a^dents of sky_fall^lean than this cloud must^turds gas^oh^lean is verse!!

Trip to a Core^ree^Yen and the pence to a Dollar on the pennies Mile,
a Trailer on the Math is as the edger on a binder of Three_ring Circa read a bore^ring of Mead^dee^Ya.

Lyrics as Music to journal that shipping knew' to answer a cue card on that sped of the talk^keen,
at closed cap^shin^kneeing??

Hour to men it on once a pawn the story reed now the flute is Ba bar,
kelp to see Weed,
a Nation on the Squab to pigeon Taste a chickens style of flying the Coop!!

Roster cabbage Cucumbers crust,
measure the come to that dump^stir on smock,
face shall' be grain to oath??

Rule of finger to swipe and E!^race did the Factor rehearse to the Adam balms sleep??

Gauge that speedometer to the liter be drink,
ice is the gin Tile on bar Bay^kins roof??,
shell clam bare whistle to the sand deed be morph Fin as the whales go swim to show anchovies desk??,
that phishing Net Web^burrs to count^tin a coin,
meant buy the vapor a smoke oil ills bale.

Cache the knew^clear^year to Wall_Street gone Nail^lean??,
Traffic & bangers to Poe day toes wriggle^lean in Anchors of Cropped,
wink to a dial,
soap with the ivory,
elephants Frogs and Cook^Keys will floor^a^duh to the record of Scene??

'Y' bother the Method while System is Sump,
pump^Ping the fill_Up with sib.^bowls and Pea^Ole's,
inks to spice add math touch a soup,
the brain corks a mined making Treasury Looped!!

Infinite op.^per^eh^shin gets a Kilometer score with Petals on flour and but^tour from Stall,
heavily bedded Hey tax at speak,
change to the Can^door of what is a Tent??,
pitch with a Vocal that scratches chalkboards ear lens,
the shredding of Trailers to Hitch^Cock the graved??,
all will the Fire in Olympics is going to a Year of excitement with Games at a lend.

Casper ghost is the Media of charge,
sparking the flames of firing Cranes,
burning eggs in Whisking that sweep,
not putting thought into the brows of query and sleeved.

Mash is that Turn^Up to what on the Bull,
a Steer in those Slot^tour^House^is on Nine Months to the dump??,
kidnapping Goats??,
trying_out the basket^it^balls lump??,
drop Cain and sug.^err as the Cream has gone slump.

For any Introduction to this World and ignore,
laugh from the the belly and remember a skid,
instrument fun knee to those words that say love,
for the best of show is the face that will bring on great joy,
a word in a verse not the noun of in cyst,
a Name is a special Announcement today!!

Guts to be free of rancid CBS, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSNBC and know knew York times Mull^duh^ply,
it is not Hell^Thee its bare^in to Tar gets a sly Fox to discuss Mon. Knees at snide,
sync with Nature look to what will bring sole to a gentle a Piel,
that Pa^-des^Tree^In a stool of Toad cools that in jolly make stole of your Win with a gift???,
saying with simplicity and love^in with wonder,
imagine yourself in Fear or in Whelp!!!

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