Friday, September 23, 2016

One L'inks In'Gin Must Have Its > Played!! To Know The Envelope Is To Know The Keys On The Wick^Ka?? or, The Crystal Ball Of A Brit's Gamer Croon??


To the Dali Lama, while the pope romes  ~
 Posted 29 January 2009 14:58   
Last Login: 26 August 2010 14:58 
Well, Lets see, while I was zeroed out of the game of life, I followed the directions precisely and to be quite exact unto myself I did what I was meant to do and reincarnated into two. Now, that I have accomplished and proven that reincarnation is real, which did not need to me proven because of you, why then does no one, believe what they see?

I miss Tibet terribly, not that I have ever been exactly but I wish to tell all of the Monks " Hello " and tell them that Elemental is doing fine with her new Dragon Kind. He is terribly handsome and named after Apollo himself, as Nero is by his side, (a psycho miniature pinscher I adopted at the local rescue). Both send their love and Nero says "thanks but thanks, he will stay with not the monk way, lol.

In all seriousness people, if indeed that is a word, why can the Dali lama reincarnate but nobody else can and if they finally get the nerve up to say so they are so shot down it is unbelievable. Which only proves nobody would ever admit to being reincarnated, including myself, even if you already new the truth of it and it all came down to this, you are just the Dali lama girl, refusing to be part of any of this because belief has been lost in so many different things that its out of control and people would rather see you literally dead than ever face themselves and what they have done to cover up something that was a miracle.

Or something like that..........I mean what if this were really true, what would you do? If you were them, or me, or you, or anyone, just curious, I read somebody missed my posts, so I thought I would come up with a new thought to mull over in ones mind.

 Posted 29 January 2009 15:07   
Last Login: 27 October 2011 13:34 
I don't think that those who practice or ascribe to the Buddhism philosophies believe that the Dalai Lama is the only one who can reincarnate. I think the belief there is that all beings reincarnate...and not just in to other beings.

I hesitate to delve too deeply in to it because I'm not all that Theologically advanced and knowledgeable, but I do know that the belief in reincarnation is very widely accepted within that religion, if not a foundation of it.

Perhaps someone who's more knowledgeable in this can give us some insight as to why there isn't more of an awareness of the reincarnation that is to have occurred....

anyone? : )
 Posted 29 January 2009 19:23   
Last Login: 11 January 2014 14:34 
"I don't think that those who practice or ascribe to the Buddhism philosophies believe that the Dalai Lama is the only one who can reincarnate. I think the belief there is that all beings reincarnate...and not just in to other beings."

You're right. Buddhists tend to believe that everything reincarnates, and not always into a human. In fact, it is very rare that one becomes a human in their life after a human life. (does that make sense?!) They believe flowers, trees, animals, etc. all reincarnate into different living beings. I'm not sure where you heard that the Dalai Lama is the only one that can reincarnate, but I can guarantee that, as a majority, Buddhists do not view the world as such.

However, there IS a belief that the Dalai Lama was a reincarnation of Siddhartha Gautama, as well as a belief that the Dalai Lama can pick his own reincarnation... but I don't think the latter is a very common view.
 Posted 30 January 2009 11:11   
Last Login: 26 August 2010 14:58 
I guess I am a tad bit ignorant on this subject or for that matter just plain clueless. But, I am extremely certain, at least here in America, the land of the not free and the home of the locked up in jail of mind because I am certain we have recently become a police state (in accordance to what has happened to me solely). Christianity does not even entertain these ideas let alone the fact that I have never heard of any one person other than the DALI Lama that claims to be the reincarnation of him.

My confusion lies in the ignorant thought of Brad Pitt's movie about Tibet, which by the way, I thought was a really cool movie. In addition, to this other movie where the monks were here in America looking for the new Dali lama which happened to have possibly settled in a Caucasian boy, I believe in was in Washington State that is, then as the journey continued they had another girl, from India I believe and then another boy, I forget from where, ALL proceeded on this walk of life to find the Dali Lama. I can't remember the names of the movies but needless to say, I. personally is very struck by Tibet in a very unexplainable spiritual way. And I am not a spiritual person.

This was more along the lines of my question, nobody claims to have been reincarnated in any other way and the basis behind all of this belief is simple enlighten for human beings sake. So, therefore, not all become flowers or butterflies, trust me on this one I tried or would have tried very hard never to have become human again because it is so unbelievable contradictory to itself or oneself may be better put or better understood.

So, once again, my question is how does one prove their existence in this manner if no one believes that this is not only possible but probable for the eventual enlighten of man and the identification and clarification to said Man, that their ways are not just incorrect but violently destructive to all other living beings that have ever been.

 Posted 30 January 2009 20:52   
Last Login: 11 January 2014 14:34 
Once one becomes enlightened, they do not reincarnate anymore. That is Buddhism. That is how one becomes a Buddha. Unless, of course, the person chooses to continue a spiritual life in order to help others gain enlightenment.

I'm somewhat confused on what you're saying. Do you believe that the Dalai Lama is the only person that can reincarnate, or do you think you can also? I guess I don't understand how you could be reincarnated, yet at the same time reserve the ideas that others cannot be.

As for people not being able to claim they are aware of their past lives -- they can't prove it. Only the Dalai Lama is aware of his past lives (or, like you mentioned, the other potential Dalai Lamas) This is the mark of the Dalai Lama. Others cannot prove that they have lived again. It's almost like God in Christianity. Christians cannot PROVE that their God exists, but completely rely on faith. They know in their hearts that God is real, but cannot prove it to others.

For example: A tree does not know that in it's past life that it was a fish. Most humans do not know they were a butterfly, etc. Also: One does not CHOOSE what they will become in their next life. It is all decided via karma.

I guess I don't really understand your question. They way you word things is somewhat confusing to me. But I certainly hope what I wrote helps you understand in some way?

And I agree: Seven Years in Tibet was fantastic. (and beautiful, especially considering it's a true story!)
 Posted 31 January 2009 08:45   
Last Login: 26 August 2010 14:58 
I am not saying that I can or cannot, if I had to say I would have to more than definitely believe in I can not or have not, due to the simple fact that I do not believe that I believe in reincarnation. (I think) I say the think part because I believe that the tree you speak of, does know if it has been a fish or not, that is why they grow to such magnificent size and beauty, it is the love of life itself. And when you said it in your response (which I really appreciate your insight in this matter) I shuttered, I believe that the natural is more aware of such complicated matters than I and have relied on them to guide me in matters of the heart and understanding of man.

"I guess I don't understand how you could be reincarnated, yet at the same time reserve the ideas that others cannot be". (I do not pretend to know or not know in these things, I have no clue, hence the thread).

I, personally, did not believe in these ways, mostly because I do not understand how they work. I believe it is a beautiful understanding and enjoyment of many different avenues of the life form itself and brings the peace of the soul and heart of mankind into an invitation of an ancient and incredible voice of God himself. But, one must also understand I am extremely respectful of the Muslim Religion in much the same way, Cat Stevens left a life of fame and fortune I suppose to further his proportionate self in a belief and I think its a religion, forgive me for not knowing and most probably speaking out of turn in these matters, however I have a great respect for those that are so compelled to save mankind it seems.

Reason being, it seems sometimes they, Man, are being saved from themselves. I don't write these paragraphs to be annoying or not understood; understanding comes with time and must be accompanied by reason. I just feel as if I live moment by moment and I feel that I will not last long sometimes and I want my children to know, I want Cat Stevens to know that I existed, I was here, I tried to understand that which is not easy to comprehend on a single form of existence. So, its not that I personally will willingly be without my life, its just that my life has been filled with different challenges of the soul, mind and body, therefore a broken heart can take you on to the next world so easily.

The questions are just attempts at understanding "why" my heart yearns so much to be with one man on this earth and "why" I in turn yearn so much to be in a place I have never been with a Father I have never known. This is more along the design of my own life. Maybe I am incorrect in posting or asking these questions, but, I don't think so, I believe I am here for an important reason and I have survived the unimaginable for "God" knows what reasons.

 Posted 31 January 2009 08:47   
Last Login: 26 August 2010 14:58 
Curiosity did not kill the Cat, it gave the Cat the ability to know that it had 9 Lives.
 Posted 31 January 2009 12:31   
Last Login: 27 October 2011 13:34 
You aren't incorrect in posting or asking these questions, should feel free to post what you wish to discuss and invite others to join in.

I just think that you are very confusing in asking what you're asking. For me, personally, I have a hard time following what it is you're trying to say. : )

Keep trying....
 Posted 31 January 2009 12:32   
Last Login: 11 January 2014 14:34 
I'm very interested in this topic, and I'm studying it in college. I'd love to continue this conversation, but I'm afraid that I can't understand a large majority of what you're saying. You speak in riddles and contradictions.
 Posted 31 January 2009 22:06   
Last Login: 26 August 2010 14:58 
Thanks for the encouragement and sometimes I have a terrible time communicating properly. This subject has me really fascinated in real life because I did not used to believe in it and recently I am personally feeling some sort of relationship with this belief, i.e. as if I have been reincarnated myself.

I feel as if I have been or better put, I have been trying to figure out my entire life, why it is I feel as if I have been here before. I did not adhere to this belief because I did not think it probable for me but it seems the only way that this could have happened. Unless somebody knows another way that this same kind of thing could happen without the use of reincarnation. I know this is a dumb question, but maybe there are other similar ways to end up being here again, I have studied a lot of different things in my life and it keeps coming back to this one as being what has happened to me. So, I guess the question kind of is, if you don't believe in something can it still happen to you? Or, maybe I have forgotten something due to childhood trauma, I don't really know, but, I will keep thinking on it.

Thanks again, I do enjoy conversing with all of you, I really like the way some of you think, I find it fascinating.
 Posted 31 January 2009 22:08   
Last Login: 26 August 2010 14:58 
Thanks for the encouragement and sometimes I have a terrible time communicating properly. This subject has me really fascinated in real life because I did not used to believe in it and recently I am personally feeling some sort of relationship with this belief, i.e. as if I have been reincarnated myself.

I feel as if I have been or better put, I have been trying to figure out my entire life, why it is I feel as if I have been here before. I did not adhere to this belief because I did not think it probable for me but it seems the only way that this could have happened. Unless somebody knows another way that this same kind of thing could happen without the use of reincarnation. I know this is a dumb question, but maybe there are other similar ways to end up being here again, I have studied a lot of different things in my life and it keeps coming back to this one as being what has happened to me. So, I guess the question kind of is, if you don't believe in something can it still happen to you? Or, maybe I have forgotten something due to childhood trauma, I don't really know, but, I will keep thinking on it.

Thanks again, I do enjoy conversing with all of you, I really like the way some of you think, I find it fascinating.
 Posted 31 January 2009 22:17   

Last Login: 16 March 2015 15:29 
One theory that I have heard to dispel reincarnation is that we are made up of the DNA of our ancestors. Since cells have memory perhaps when we have moments that we think we remember something from a past life, we are, something from our ancestors' past.

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