Friday, June 24, 2016

Interestingly As Fountain Ripples It Is That Ground Which Speaks Telling Of The Plunge Yet On That Ripple What Caused The Original Sew??

Note to Self: This post was written on my google blog 'The Secret of the Universe is Choice; Know Decision by I, Karen Anastasia Placek and held in draft until 'Published June 24th, 2016'. At and for my reference to the many more posts in 'the hold' google time stamp on my acer laptop computer running Windows to say the time is 9:36 PM to date and state Published Now. Original and free write done by I on June 22nd, 2016.

At shim the construction of a floor,
the balance of abandonment causes a process of fall in,
to know that the arm is nigh the thigh and the elbow that joining of the need,
this is that shore??,
it is the beach at a seat.

Should the clay nigh the Clam than the grit is sand??,
it is the waves,
the hand of nature to invite a steady lay to the land,
while this is not evolution the understanding follows a creations theme,
to that is the boat or the orca,
the first fin to see that it is the River,
a thirst for Fresh Water made what on the gill??.

Trout have know of adapt to thorough are the file,
shed that width in an instant,
blue eyes in history have been told to the book that color changed in one day,
these rainbows of that pot of gold relieves the understanding of coorespondence to the rainbow of stream,
for what is that reflection but the combination of the waters lean,
in show the Mountain will yawn??,
or is the expression of the Valley finally Scene to know that bridges Keep??,
on course is the foundation to a Theme.

Season come and seasons again??,
rounds on the years to know of the for corners of Earth,
the Human Being is of otherwise!!

These simple Kicks to the dirt is but dust should that Mud not know the silk of the Worm,
for yes a spider does spin yet what is the Web??,
a Network of fine wool to the Mammoth or the Elephant in charge??,
the coffee to a chapter on the exit of only a dawn.key stretch as the lights are of Set??,
be in that is the cadence of the Rainbow as Representation of simplicity in complexions Feat!!

A bearing of such is not the remainder as Nature trues a chorus,
it is the beauty it is the compass of a fantastic formulation,
the road to shown is a habit of what is a tooth in the gear of evolution butter or cream as Milk.king??,
the shepherd off a staff is locked bye the certain obtain,
yet should the heard be of known than The Home is no longer on the Range,
for a song to an ear is the corn of the Maize as the bread is not the Tea and whisk.key is mirror broom Means??,
navigate to a what is another fathom,
should the abandonment relieve or release the seat??,
that leaves real.eyes!!! 

There is no Ancient Wall that is able to Sting with a Chisel as the reality of Wares as the hammer is Wise,
the slammer represents the in print to sand of clays method,
yet on that dry face.sing it is the shoulder that Stands to be the read a loud to whom is of no chorus,
for those that choose to revel will only find repetition a Habit and storm the Feast,
those that deliver Choice will a.mend to the built to know the nail needed to say to hammer,
 Hello Head??,
awe for the power of the one incredible thing that is a true formula,
The Arms!!!

To the Watch it is Easy to Speaker of the Treasure,
as a box is what to the days between the ocean and the sea,
lagoon, bays or the inlets that case the file to a see water's waist on the Tide's retreat,
and what is revealed will be the fill to the covered by uncovering the depth to reach a basis,
as the glacier melts the thought to global fear is on a fathom,
for what is hidden will come to speech,
why prepare with voice to construct,
to develop more.toll fear or regard the inevitable as done??,
should a precedence be Set than the melt is to the hour not the ability to say Mathematical Viper in coil to strike as that is a given as lime is Too state.

First Draft of my great plan to stay alive, BREATHE & NOT DIE!!

Should the understanding follow an order than the purpose for all of this bother on my part is create a *purchase.  As the World has begun to toss and than churn it is the cream that milk becomes Vinegar and the Oil is sap.  At that is the logic of a stand on my finance returns to whom gave bearing to my life.  In Honor and for duty to life itself my plan follows a certain an old school scribe.  The additive of the Catholic and or Communion oriented venue's have put to their drink and eat a type of smack.  The scent of such has in long past made immediate to their nose whom in a town or township the evident of whom would or would not be determined possessed by the devil or whatever the providence to their subjection to the community happens to be at the Time in Ages.  As the scent of communion that is always done behind the Vatican and the like of such organizations the passing of some people and the recognition of others as Pagans becomes today as more self_evident to the common genre of persons to accompany this correspondence I will write.

Mineral Oil on the plan of its basis of scent to the body fluids makes our country able to continue to move as a whole.  Fear as known emits an odor as sharks are drawn by example to the ability to swim through a crowd striking what seems random but ends up showing some sort of file to this as a proof for you to study.  What I am putting to license is the bowel movements of our society.  When our intake is from so many cultures the smell alone causes easy identification from persons that are trying to sheer us of our life's breath.  (this maybe coming out a bit choppy)  The idea that everyone can ingest a common fountain makes our society stand as a whole while still being able to not just enjoy their culture of food but also abides by most if not all religious foundations of intake as acceptable, i.e. kosher.

Now the template of my finances in earning goes to support the Police and Fire Departments as I have stated implicitly in specific foundation to the Officer at the Golden Gate Police Mounted Unit.  Should this plan not be in absolute be approved by him than this is a wash in the exact moment of my falling both deaf and dumb to any and all world events in regards to any ability that no longer needs to be proved with my horrible curse of being able to understand events before them happening.  Do not be mistaken as that Officer has a retired Chief, Greg Suhr for direct and non-threatening influence from ANY department to make the best choice coming down the pike of this eventual bearing of money, coin, dollars and change.

Back to my idea as the roll out of safety to our Country counts on the reliance of the Police, Sheriff and Fire Departments as our Founding Fathers did put to the States a basic set-up of basic service to protect both our people and our Country.  To that it is imperative you understand that my children and I and whom I do owe particular limited accounts to are not in desire of just swallowing up a, well you get the point on that now don't you.  I am a practical horseman.. Don't forget I like riding and that would be nice to work out as I do miss.. I'll stop there but you can understand ... oop's there I go again:)  Ugg!! Each town, city and place that has people already has these departments and the place to make sure that their families of these departments can be near their spouses to ensure no more stress to them or their children, father, mother and so on.  This is very important for what is about to come down heavily on this country and the problems you will be facing.

Imagine now that we fall prey to a threat either by extreme weather or extreme terror.  Most will run to their local church, temple or mosque; this is what we are trying to avoid as that causes people to point fingers, blame and hate as they scream about who's god did what or what all these prophecies they so whole hardily believe tend to theme.  Now as the Town Hall is of a Town's Seat the idea is to eliminate the inflammatory of the religious throw-up and return to immediate implementation of safety and logic to safety and the ability to implement it without stepping on toes do to religious freedoms.  I.E. the police are not religiously motivated and their career is a calling to maintain the law as it comes to their shoulders.  By this route the people have a tendency to calm and not become enraged about a perceived threat by the 'whomevers' which always ends badly for everyone, as once the chaos begins trying to return to a calm is utterly impossible without all the guilt for the happenings during and while the chaos delivers disaster.  So by the my approved support idea through appropriate channels I wish to have active vaults with real money for each Department to be able to rely on in case the country or said town falls to what seems impossible but does happen, they go broke.  Under circumstances my funds would keep the basic up and running therefor keeping chaos from hitting that church to embellish in the 'I told you so's' that those persons love to push.

The CIA, FBI, NSA, ICE, SWAT to my knowledge are all Federal supported and therefore my calendar is not of their concern as should the Government fall into chaos .. well thats on you.  The onward forward plan involves the continue to that reality as a plan is better than no plan to encounter surprise and find you too have entered the doors of chaos.

Now the President is able to say to the Minutemen through the Sheriff Department idea of the Old West and you are now able to deputize the Minutemen and STILL maintain an Oath and An Order to the lay of the land and the law that needs to remain consistent or you will loose before you begin.  The mineral oil makes the easy id in one day as each department can advise the community in that day of a need to be exact in scent should the Middle East decide to do another extreme on our Country.

Essentially the Police are Monks and (hee, hee) the Officer at the Golden Gate Mounted Unit is the Pope, High Priest, Dali Lama, Master of the Seer, you get the point: Don't laugh:) I worry a lot can you tell??

I believe you get the idea of this plan. I have a funny feeling about the stuff I write being worth something and that means unless I can know SAFETY, SAFETY, SAFETY, I forget and say I don't know a lot:)


private smiles, say hello to Colin Powell!!

P.S.  the reason you do it this way is to free up the Armed Forces so that you are not accused of weird wilds and that backs up the Departments so that it is not accused to that same weird faction of separating out from or joining with such circulation of fears that people love to equip the public width.  By me financially backing it keeps it like it did long ago for the Fire Department in San Francisco or something like that, regardless it keeps the finances separated and the States, Cities and Towns are able.... you get the idea.  Like the idea of separation of Church and State but different, anyhow it eases the you know how it could  down and better to be prepared than not be honest about human nature.

* Be wise to the word 'purchase' as to give a person 'purchase' is to create a standing.  This is not a purchase of Goods to sell at a price.  This is the Ancient understanding of what 'purchase' stands for in the fact that words have meaning to whom would choose to comprehend all that I have written and not jump to conclusions for sprite. has many definitions however it is also the meaning of said word that is often put to confusion for the mob to jump all over it and produce a debt by way of producing confusion to further their objective in matters of the heart.  To be clear, the define of word to my pulse, my heart and my life will be clarified to you by knowing *purchase
18. the annual return or rent from land.
19. a firm grip or grasp, footing, etc., on something.
verb (transitive)
to draw, haul, or lift (a load) with the aid of mechanical apparatus
Written on June  by 

Its Just A Forge!!!

Would it not be a delight for the Officer at the Golden Gate Mounted Unit to have a hug today,
that the simple Hello from a President to the "who are you" came to say,
"where is this fountain" on the look to a barn in a band of lyrics to verse.

Well deep in the letter there is a Chief that is on the Tale of a long shore sort of Storm??,
in that is the bit to say Hi!!

What a barrel of a chortle to know that love is the wonderful,
a Sir Prized with the Thought to just Know,
that the fathom of a great is also in addition my big brother Ed.

Why that makes for the In for May shin a Doctorate of degree,
should the ride to such a terrible truth compass a graduation??,
these are the days of wonder to incredible leans,
so on the off chance the monopoly goes to the Bank be sure to be of Lecture for I.

I was under fine determination that my Ancient Soil for the Fire Department was a rare,
that idea of how the what is the this to the that on the fare.row,
a good time in the whistle of how the thimble of a thread goes,
its Up down Up down oh wait thats Posting!!

don't forget to love yourself Officer at the stable,
its a fine toe back owe that makes that barn a ride,
those Men gave to I the bridle and a true compass to life,
a day to remember,
a best of better is that fact that you carry Onward Forward,
eyes have it!!!

written on June 23, 2016,
posted on June 24th, 2016 at 7:26:00 PM
proof of write to the blog via google informational times scale to date the hour,
Posted  by 

A Picture Of The Red Light To Know That Minute Once A Pull Made Halt A Stop!!!

Count on your hand,
Five Fingers,
or is it the rule of thumb that must rule in a measure??,
for I it is as simple as saying natural born blondes,
now know this,
how many platinum blondes live in San Francisco, California??

Should I say that owe Well,
for I knew a Man with Big Cats,
and that had a particular tell on the avenue Shell,
the grit in a Clam is the Muscle that I swam to your door,
and you are the meant to be a doors path way to the Fire??,
which is it your bearing in the threshold or the phone call on the wringer that this presents shift??

Just another boring day or the preparation of why a person like I would stop to say in.knee thing at All,
is it the few years ago of your presump`T of the sync on my life to just toss my words out,
is it the a.sump.shun that makes your 'take care' your feel good on your gear??,
is it the sake vs the facing of a Tiers trail,
is it the impossible that is waited for the possible to happen??,
now that it did shall I conversation the guise to just drive bye sill??,
does my car say a beamer??,
did the drive Mark to a Noun or the Name Means of Sir??

Fit this to your working it out,
sing with the Blunt till that see.deed is your sell.a.fane wrapper,
and that is just a role.lure on the zig of this zag ask whom,
the awl??

Or is it that your House has a light,
is it read today??,
is the Flag on the say to an American,
than what is have staff on the waving of the air??,
is it the Wind or the Storm??

Should just One Per.Sun have been Mankind on Humanity,
should just one person asked,
why are you speaking or are you talking through the great fear of fright itself because of your tum,
is the belly in your gut so lost that a single person is vomit to your bye.ole,
not a word of thanks for the share,
or is it the lyrics to add 'if'??

What and Wise is the Animal Kingdom to Love,
the Turkey on Paradise Road that loves it when I slow to say Hello,
that Turkey has more interest in me that real people have in the day of just a second,
everybody has to go,
nobody has time and yet everybody wants the dough,
well thank goodness a the Fawn on my hill just this morning,
both of us watched that deer just below eating the carrots that I had put for the vitamin mineral,
that deer trusts this little pause for that deer and her fawn visit often,
in fact I wonder about the deer whom birthed out right there last season,
making remember the other doe that gave berth to another fawn last spring,
so wonderful Mother Nature has been to my loneliness coast,
making a day the important fashion of more than a drag.