The day is fantastic for the Human Race in such A Door that the Sun is shining!! As the Horizon is beautiful and is also Saturday than Jupiter must be a wonder of Saturn on the heels of Mars!! Great harbor to enjoy the pier of earth on a weighted ground that I must say that incredible is the breadth of my kind. To have had the patience to naturally find the nautical compass to breathe in a world full of hatred and despair I provide nothing to the every iota and stand with the freedom of speech to encourage the average person to sing.
Be of the bearings of Nature for Mother Earth had provided such tremble that the vibrations could have been felt long before the freeze of slaughter. As most organisms cellular structure invites learning and discovery People have chords that throttle reality with 'what if's', 'when', 'where', (and,) in addition to 'why'.
Hard rides tack for the barn appropriate to the riders determination of event. I am a Three-day Eventer that loves The Horse and had been fortunate enough to receive the training of many technicians at a professional level of instruction. To be ever so grateful to my mothers wisdom in investing in such an expensive venture, a giant thank you would barely cover the lasting embrace for her decision of the investment itself.
To the future of this world and its depression of character to further the independent in a venue that would have brought further teaching I can only provide a small sorrow to your impending deep lies. Gossip and turmoil brought into my life the fact that not only am I not wanted, I am also in and have been in the forced isolative existence for many years. Although I have made true too many attempts to gain a friend it has only been answered by silence and strides that lead to ........ well that is an understanding that I need not entertain any longer.
Former to the ripping off of many of my personal goods I say to the thiefs that I trust you not only enjoyed the theft itself, but, that the Goods were of favor to your lives. Boat well my friends as holding a persons hand is both rare and of a difficult find. Should you be fortunate enough to have a loving person in your life today, be kind to yourself and know that it is a short walk to a long skirt on this Troubled earth.
In vestment this country turmoils humanity with political bravado, lies, sweats and provides no real solution to the problems that have plagued us from Overseas. In that being said the Wars and the indicative course of said effects of the trauma have suffered more than the actual people of the grain, but have proven to be a contagion to the home turf as well. People everyday pass one another without the care to say hello, smile or show any sort of loving language that would either encourage or show with their body language support that you too are walking difficult paths. Instead people frown, condemn and throw or shall I say cast their eyes with condemnation, judgement and hatred for the smile you may be brave enough to bear. Alas the days of hours to minutes of years of work have paid my mind off with the satisfaction of a job well done. I compliment myself as I like self best and this has proven to be the best path and certainly a path that was chosen for me in light of my past.
To have been judged so harshly throughout the years, to not have had one visitor to my beautiful home in which I now reside with two new Cats, Cheshire Churchill and Lobos Creek, along with Nero I simply say that today is the answer to a life of pain and strife, hard work, determined work and the desire to work things in a calm and structured design to promote the evident letter that I am writing to whomever is interested with the thoroughfare of ....... again no point to expand on said entry, as I have covered much in my blog already. So to state that the honesty that I have presented to you in my almost daily writes was my success and attempt to put into open forum the pain that so many have been lost too; i.e. loneliness and emptiness, etc., these horrors have been provided freely by society and its need to suffocate the engaged and happy individual that insists there is more to life than trunks.
I am forever thankful to whom has been kind to me for no apparent reason, for with those perfect moments, I found, reason, to work through the difficulties, and continue to encourage myself that trust and engagement of kindness is still in on the table of Mankind, just held by the provisions of whom ..... well again the i.e. is to the above mentioned section of already said. Yet in the evolving shore of my own comprehension of the understanding that I have communicated, I can freely give only this small measure of my feelings today, the marvel is a factual plain, the salt of my teirs, the candor of self, to the invitation that life is more than what has been thrown to the wolves, for it is in the howling wind, the breeze of the changing seasons, the simplicity of a persons feat that changes all time, the provision to life itself must be jade : Today it is of Exclamation point.