Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Emerged And Established?!

Mornings On 2 - KTVU The Nine asked last week on November 15th, 2016 for our thoughts on the week for the day of November 9th, 2016 asking for our morning coffee submission of our conversation with self that day after the election for the United States office for President.  No tweet would cater to that depth of question as my shift to that day at write, I gave way on my private server that day as my witness to the events.  In the now and as it gives greater definition to what is a thought on a country of hem for the date ask of  a bring, I dial with a simple ring KTVU The Nine with my written text for just a day that seemed unbelievable for all the National Media did was for themselves, not one comment on the California piers.  The worst part was watching the days that came from that stay, as the media just complained and rode the chart while sifting reality to afford their lard, this is indeed 20/20 or hindsight being compass to the fortnight past.

November 9th, 2016 at 1:18 PM

Distant to this word to that list of what is the persons on the Media swirl,
I vomit to that be left to the immediate switch to what is support,
then and now the announcements come as if they did not scram,
what a delivery of the off and on again??,
it's called watch them save their jobs for the Monday morning jump,
bounce that skit to the Tolls in reality what a dump stirrup to consciously done!!

Now at the time on this day the Wednesday alter of Election purse,
oh ditch to the fathom of whom got the pocket book priced,
now I will enjoy the dance of the world on its pants as the sweats of out of breath to slap.

What is the scream of that yelling what it bee's deemed to be lesses??,
why is the land in stall lean,
shavings and bankers running accounts like baling,
thump goes the theme to got a beast fee??,
it is the save your ass scene running sudden numb^burr^ring,
what a walking joke to the card studded filed from 19 Months of spell the sealed??,
gracious be the film of that is what you did say to the thermal chilling of war on said??,
grace be a masque to the shoulder bumping of how is tide,
swimming mountains of dirt on dry mud dazed,
the National Media in the U.S.A. has tunnel Vision to the echo of a Crop of bail!!

Taste the supper of served,
the National Media on their rump roasted,
finally something has brought the liars to forward,
what is the cause,
seams of blinded to the vocal of repeat on the process of parade,
what is learned??

Should the Country just tread than the beacon will Toss aside to corner Staff,
the liberty will clash a bellow,
the ash will fall up to the down steam of chairs at loss,
then the grocery will check the product,
what will be found is scum.

The toads might the frogs,
the green mash of mushing dockets to cover the shelves of ground,
frowning Media won't hesitate to throw plain.