Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Lexis Systemic-Functional Linguistics: Musical Stares that Equal Writes!!!

November 8th, 2016 in the A.M.

Sweet Face of the Universe on this galaxy,
may the Milky Way feel my streaming scrawl as I address the true,
might the rivers of canyons remember to just sing with a waterfalls slide as the glacier small glistens in mist,
as only an exit to this earth on such a long hemisphere I balance the coal with the flame as fires reign embers spark in far,
from this planet I feel the warmth of the next volcanic shale of molten heat in the rock of a Call.

Oh for the freedom to be on the beam of more than a concord of in dust tree,
sands I thank you for the scratch and land you have ground,
to the Ocean your Waves have roared magic to the breeze as the wind sung in my tired sad,
storms delivered the rain to know I never need shed,
it is the best lesson of many core lives to be of such long on the equator a sphere with no mortal partner,
this has in real brought my envelope to fire a letter to the forge,
the completion is traveling stage and puts tears to the lean,
is that the ending with a clever land??,
does it just raise to speak a smile and grin the masque as the human part of flesh??

The Old's gave reason no such tree to the paper on the paints of did brush combed,
might the carriage become lathe at the pork of the swing of spline??,
suppose the closure is of peak a spook to gather only money and take,
memory and lake,
does that counter at desk of brain on the long lip of language to talk a structure of slate??

Marking the answer in stamp delight is not the hem a sphere??

Hamlet sings Water Smock^keen!!
thee preverb speak of aye eh can,
care^in to status claim formally name,
noun on earth plain of gradual same!!,
1:23 PM 11/5th/2016

Gilgamesh whom to yearn from Aunk can Tune,
weighted by bounds of feather relief,
gathered on earth are human form,
in corn I have stay.

Frost is the Ice of such foot Grained corn in Heat at hot's say a bill.lean of gratia,
shored among the dim lit stores mortal signed by pin tiles at what is being??,
not I for from the present to the gift I brave nothing to say love a tune in list of spoons,
yes is the value,
giants on the Stars of those Million of Miles that inches just Bars!!

Striding along with the Air in Atmosphere how the length rumbles to cheer,
in a more on the simple smile,
shadows and Shades to remind me of the math in a Crow of magnitude of the ka,
ki is a foundation of a rippling whisper to sane,
people are of death at the dead heads of no light!!

Traveling a journal with the views in my blight of blinking know sight,
forest of green to blue is the arm wrest of the guitar on a stroll,
grasping only the file to say that there is sound,
oh more in a hand to be a friend rather than the go die!!

Snake Eyes in oar to a ship of Rows,
wording came to prose,
falling to quill as the ink of octopus sheds,
rim^ming only the thread.

Grace must masque these frames of structure at Granite stone of Cobble Christmas,
to at the day of Month on the remember the Men of great foundation of Universal sphere,
hello how is the nature on the dimension of I love to know you with sun on a Moon!!

Trips that find a stability to bring letters marching work to touch words expel,
it truly is magical.

ars gratia artis - Latin. Dictionary.com
     1. art for art's sake.
gracia - Latin. - Google translate
     1. grace