Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Define Twine From The Bail That The Media Charged!!

Once upon a time just three-weeks ago,
spelling Falls touch chin,
the National Media in love,
Tweets and twittering a bout!!

Now on today November 22^Kenned,
the Year is Two-thousand sixteen,
speak a letter in their head!!

The scene to their bravado,
the shorts to clocking the verses,
does the tent pop Up to fa thar a Loc.??,
for-ist eases to what is a plain for their a^Cues'd??,
yes said the value of the car^role's on the chairs of Anchors wail.lean!!

Be it that the yet^Tea is a snow^mow^be^ole,
the National Media is Said^ding to a larger Stair^rolled,
by their Mush to the Awe^dee^yo the National Media is feeding the sole??,
first the bing for the what is a ping,
than to daze it was wise is the plane of tweeting to a Nation on the every stall swing^in,
the lathe grasp row is not not a per blame??,
bell is ringing at the thresholds of the National Media bored to day Core!!

As their eluding to a Constant on their language to the good old chip off of the flock,
the lights of those tweets are in what kind of talks,
touching roundup the Speech,
for better ef.Y.Aye should not the building of the National Media Pyramid steep to the did,
for have the store.read in compare and the versus makes a stair,
hinting to what is the tact Tiled priest on the syn^Tax of what is the crumb!!

From wink a mow^meant to the story of vista,
would it not be proof of picture Paul^a^Ticks??,
as the New York Times on the Call^Um of Stile,
the doors on the who^tours the raise of the swung??,
a bisque of Peat^Tour and Geppetto for the kiss.sin.jure tongue,
as the trace^is of bridge on a card table lived??,
what thrush is the sod^err bat^tour and strum,
the frost or the Ice is of what is a thumb??

 Too fixture a scour of govern^mint tongue,
this description at watts for the light waves a^dish^shunned as burr^ray^Ting conversation off punned,
a SAT^Tie^Err to the National Media as reports go^wean where is the fund,
than went^tour commercial for fragment to event own^lee ate swung??,
for in Fin it makes to the past dinner and tons,
of marked information that delivered nothing but nah's Trolls to ever be dumb,
the list Tin of ramps that floated to bill^edge,
gave the United States the fill^thee^EST lung to say now balance the sum.mon's while tasting that dunned!!!!!!

Emerged And Established?!

Mornings On 2 - KTVU The Nine asked last week on November 15th, 2016 for our thoughts on the week for the day of November 9th, 2016 asking for our morning coffee submission of our conversation with self that day after the election for the United States office for President.  No tweet would cater to that depth of question as my shift to that day at write, I gave way on my private server that day as my witness to the events.  In the now and as it gives greater definition to what is a thought on a country of hem for the date ask of  a bring, I dial with a simple ring KTVU The Nine with my written text for just a day that seemed unbelievable for all the National Media did was for themselves, not one comment on the California piers.  The worst part was watching the days that came from that stay, as the media just complained and rode the chart while sifting reality to afford their lard, this is indeed 20/20 or hindsight being compass to the fortnight past.

November 9th, 2016 at 1:18 PM

Distant to this word to that list of what is the persons on the Media swirl,
I vomit to that be left to the immediate switch to what is support,
then and now the announcements come as if they did not scram,
what a delivery of the off and on again??,
it's called watch them save their jobs for the Monday morning jump,
bounce that skit to the Tolls in reality what a dump stirrup to consciously done!!

Now at the time on this day the Wednesday alter of Election purse,
oh ditch to the fathom of whom got the pocket book priced,
now I will enjoy the dance of the world on its pants as the sweats of out of breath to slap.

What is the scream of that yelling what it bee's deemed to be lesses??,
why is the land in stall lean,
shavings and bankers running accounts like baling,
thump goes the theme to got a beast fee??,
it is the save your ass scene running sudden numb^burr^ring,
what a walking joke to the card studded filed from 19 Months of spell the sealed??,
gracious be the film of that is what you did say to the thermal chilling of war on said??,
grace be a masque to the shoulder bumping of how is tide,
swimming mountains of dirt on dry mud dazed,
the National Media in the U.S.A. has tunnel Vision to the echo of a Crop of bail!!

Taste the supper of served,
the National Media on their rump roasted,
finally something has brought the liars to forward,
what is the cause,
seams of blinded to the vocal of repeat on the process of parade,
what is learned??

Should the Country just tread than the beacon will Toss aside to corner Staff,
the liberty will clash a bellow,
the ash will fall up to the down steam of chairs at loss,
then the grocery will check the product,
what will be found is scum.

The toads might the frogs,
the green mash of mushing dockets to cover the shelves of ground,
frowning Media won't hesitate to throw plain.

Γιατί Πηγή^Sir^Διαβάστε!!

Why Source^Sir^Read!!

Watch the world fleece the wool of the sheep to an elephant's phone,
horns trumpet to the mammoth raised,
in a cavern of mankind it is the humanity missing a piece of warm coal for the treat,
firs is the flames pardon to thank the coal for a thought,
as each ache is just a sphere of I was taught,
speak ease see and allow the beech to pine a redwood direction on Times on the Ages fleet!!

Ships across the harbor of itself will deliver the Sound,
seal a part and the ocean will lift,
glacier conversation.

Wise is the Volcanic road while Pompeii truly gave a Talk to how is water the creek of lava Lots,
repetition of natural flows brought I the write to ink pharoah for a ton of just the Egyptian tunes,
should the foundation square to mathematical shapes the arithmetic will mark an, the Equator shall show balance,
with more than faith or minor hope this is the pyramid that granite is more than slopes,
the fact of on Officer and the silent shoulder that spoke certainty??,
not in death of a ka billion cheers did I ever hear death as a wrist of shackle to his signed.

He gave I the breadth in a formidable kind act of seeing believe,
these are the days that stride my quiet mind,
it is what no person may ever grasp as reality for people cram such dignity at the price of cop on a uniformed seat,
for I it was truth that compass of navigate and read for key,
never shall I remind that measure as dignity is the compassion of land??,
it is fact that what is is and what does will do with greater lead,
life held my head,
he allowed my seat the ride to answer with more than fall pray??,

November 14th, 2016 at 2:29 PM

Lexis Systemic-Functional Linguistics: Musical Stares that Equal Writes!!!

November 8th, 2016 in the A.M.

Sweet Face of the Universe on this galaxy,
may the Milky Way feel my streaming scrawl as I address the true,
might the rivers of canyons remember to just sing with a waterfalls slide as the glacier small glistens in mist,
as only an exit to this earth on such a long hemisphere I balance the coal with the flame as fires reign embers spark in far,
from this planet I feel the warmth of the next volcanic shale of molten heat in the rock of a Call.

Oh for the freedom to be on the beam of more than a concord of in dust tree,
sands I thank you for the scratch and land you have ground,
to the Ocean your Waves have roared magic to the breeze as the wind sung in my tired sad,
storms delivered the rain to know I never need shed,
it is the best lesson of many core lives to be of such long on the equator a sphere with no mortal partner,
this has in real brought my envelope to fire a letter to the forge,
the completion is traveling stage and puts tears to the lean,
is that the ending with a clever land??,
does it just raise to speak a smile and grin the masque as the human part of flesh??

The Old's gave reason no such tree to the paper on the paints of did brush combed,
might the carriage become lathe at the pork of the swing of spline??,
suppose the closure is of peak a spook to gather only money and take,
memory and lake,
does that counter at desk of brain on the long lip of language to talk a structure of slate??

Marking the answer in stamp delight is not the hem a sphere??

Hamlet sings Water Smock^keen!!
thee preverb speak of aye eh can,
care^in to status claim formally name,
noun on earth plain of gradual same!!,
1:23 PM 11/5th/2016

Gilgamesh whom to yearn from Aunk can Tune,
weighted by bounds of feather relief,
gathered on earth are human form,
in corn I have stay.

Frost is the Ice of such foot Grained corn in Heat at hot's say a bill.lean of gratia,
shored among the dim lit stores mortal signed by pin tiles at what is being??,
not I for from the present to the gift I brave nothing to say love a tune in list of spoons,
yes is the value,
giants on the Stars of those Million of Miles that inches just Bars!!

Striding along with the Air in Atmosphere how the length rumbles to cheer,
in a more on the simple smile,
shadows and Shades to remind me of the math in a Crow of magnitude of the ka,
ki is a foundation of a rippling whisper to sane,
people are of death at the dead heads of no light!!

Traveling a journal with the views in my blight of blinking know sight,
forest of green to blue is the arm wrest of the guitar on a stroll,
grasping only the file to say that there is sound,
oh more in a hand to be a friend rather than the go die!!

Snake Eyes in oar to a ship of Rows,
wording came to prose,
falling to quill as the ink of octopus sheds,
rim^ming only the thread.

Grace must masque these frames of structure at Granite stone of Cobble Christmas,
to at the day of Month on the remember the Men of great foundation of Universal sphere,
hello how is the nature on the dimension of I love to know you with sun on a Moon!!

Trips that find a stability to bring letters marching work to touch words expel,
it truly is magical.

ars gratia artis - Latin. Dictionary.com
     1. art for art's sake.
gracia - Latin. - Google translate
     1. grace

Sew^Sigh It Tea!!

Lips this to ancient land of hand to mind before the call in cosmos to reply,
first there was place to say that voice is cleared from a source to speaking much in the floor,
a ride on this parade in the earth realm what a compass in the fast shirt to pants and Suit!!

Winking Time!!

Whiz along the sound of light-years energy with a bit rein to lean on a shoulder that I knew be for the leg of thigh,
round to line on no circle as the Morse was spoken,
true Infinity!!

Shelves came,
the library of my brain be gained from a fire at the embers of know flame,
once land^ding now just a better read at chapter of a book^keen from I to the frost of ice humans at the shake.in chill,
forks and punned I raised my rafter to break the seal of letters lawn,
grease said at the Greek,
arena at the Port of continent of a English grain,
language Fall-in,
Seasons of the Grand Canyon know!!

River sneak of a thousand Year on the Millionth travel to the bell_Rang,
for more^role ground did trust as the plate,
oh how moved these days of cent^tents to craft of my boating across the Perseus of a Constellation song!!

Love in grace to see the foot Trust asking note to say every-thing,
fabulously reminded thank you forest of paper trireme,
row to the bar as the box is a treasure of memorized as the Computer is my mind on reality,
nostril to no price,
the ocean sighs,
waves rank and file,
it is the shed of instrument to being a structure of the universe in far and way,
might humanity flow as the river is preek^ness grown,
creek of mountain and the crest of Peak shall the echo be the valley of any mortal dread,
shall the Cry stride to ample,
climbing a fires clean!!!!

written for slide to my snowflake smile,
oh shale aitch bone!!
11:31 AM, November 4th, 2016


Inspire the sky to speak a thunder as the light graces Mankind's eyes to basket the human loan on the keen,
is not the balance of all in the sand discussing a grain as the salt talks a theme,
shell beach is fossil footprint for the rock on a Mountain fame,
valley may bridge the divide naturally apron string that in a voice,
echo cosmic find??

West frost ice in glacier branch just that a planet hemming,
way out on special recognition is it energy treating thought to philosophical chart guiding a map,

Granite spin with a touch of chalk in an out line for the Stars beautify too,
explain North on a Viking mile as I will next,
grasp reach as a dawn,
deep method of life on the Show!!

Humanity drains the Mind to gag a trace for arguing gods as a temple be shined,
nestling only in tree would division Ages,
what is that hill on a creeks tow of stones rolling??

The carriage of creation in design made room,
a planet sewn with life as threads of air in oxygen to breathe majestic as a Nile
rounds to harbor boats on a galaxy.

Ports of lost trouble only the individual bile in the stomach of the brain's memory,
should human kindness ankle with less than more than a take,
smiling would have grin to cheeks that conversation amazing,
instead this year of marking 2016 on the November peel,
countries plan death at graves in Tombs,
building minus a beacon,
for had life brought more than a dead teacher forest of pastel trailers on the biblical peak,
the Wells find.

Written to an ole style of what was fashion at addressing,
now it is only exiting a signature piece to say my name is not stun.
Karen A. Placek
November 1st, 2016
1:33 Prime Meridian

Register This Registry As I Just Saw A Real Shooting Star: 3:00 Antemeridian 22 November 2016!!!!!

Orpheus (/ˈɔːrfiəsˈɔːrfjuːs/GreekὈρφεύς) was a legendary musician, poet, and prophet in ancient Greek religion and myth. The major stories about him are centered on his ability to charm all living things and even stones with his music, his attempt to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, from the underworld, and his death at the hands of those who could not hear his divine music. As an archetype of the inspired singer, Orpheus is one of the most significant figures in the reception of classical mythology in Western culture, portrayed or alluded to in countless forms of art and popular culture including poetry, film, opera, music, and painting.[1]
For the Greeks, Orpheus was a founder and prophet of the so-called "Orphic" mysteries. He was credited with the composition of the Orphic Hymns, a collection of which only two have survived.[2] Shrines containing purported relics of Orpheus were regarded as oracles. Some ancient Greek sources note Orpheus' Thracian origins.[3]

Orphism (religion)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Orphic mosaics were found in many late-Roman villas
Orphism (more rarely OrphicismAncient Greek: Ὀρφικά) is the name given to a set of religious beliefs and practices[1]originating in the Ancient Greek and the Hellenistic world,[2] as well as by the Thracians,[3] associated with literature ascribed to the mythical poet Orpheus, who descended into Hades and returned. Orphics also revered Persephone (who annually descended into Hades for a season and then returned) and Dionysus or Bacchus (who also descended into Hades and returned). Orpheus was said to have invented the Mysteries of Dionysus.[4] Poetry containing distinctly Orphic beliefs has been traced back to the 6th century BC[5] or at least 5th century BC, and graffiti of the 5th century BC apparently refers to "Orphics".[6]
Classical sources, such as Plato, refer to "Orpheus-initiators" (Ὀρφεοτελεσταί), and associated rites, although how far "Orphic" literature in general related to these rites is not certain.[7] As in the Eleusinian mysteries, initiation into Orphic mysteries promised advantages in the afterlife.


The main elements of Orphism differed from popular ancient Greek religion in the following ways:
  • by characterizing human souls as divine and immortal but doomed to live (for a period) in a "grievous circle" of successive bodily lives through metempsychosis or the transmigration of souls.
  • by prescribing an ascetic way of life which, together with secret initiation rites, was supposed to guarantee not only eventual release from the "grievous circle" but also communion with god(s).
  • by being founded upon sacred writings about the origin of gods and human beings.


Distinctively Orphic views and practices are attested as early as HerodotusEuripides, and Plato. The recently published Derveni papyrus allows Orphic mythology to be dated back to the end of the 5th century BC,[8] and it is probably even older.[9] Other inscriptions found in various parts of the Greek world testify to the early existence of a movement with the same core beliefs that were later associated with the name of Orphism.


The Orphic theogonies are genealogical works similar to the Theogony of Hesiod, but the details are different. They are possibly influenced by Near Eastern models. The main story is this: Dionysus (in his incarnation as Zagreus) is the son of Zeus and Persephone; Zeus gives his inheritance of the throne to the child, as Zeus is to leave due to Hera's anger over a child being born by another mother; the Titans are enraged over the proclamation of attendance and under Hera's instigation decide to murder the child, Dionysus is then tricked with a mirror and children's toys by the Titans who murder and consume him. Athena saves the heart and tells Zeus of the crime who in turn hurls a thunderbolt on the Titans. The resulting soot, from which sinful mankind is born, contains the bodies of the Titans and Dionysus. The soul of man (the Dionysus factor) is therefore divine, but the body (the Titan factor) holds the soul in bondage. Thus, it was declared that the soul returns to a host ten times, bound to the wheel of rebirth.
There are two Orphic stories of the rebirth of Dionysus: in one it is the heart of Dionysus that is implanted into the thigh of Zeus; in the other Zeus has impregnated the mortal woman Semele, resulting in Dionysus's literal rebirth. Many of these details differ from accounts in the classical authors. Firmicus Maternus, a Christian author, gives a different account with the book On the Error of Profane Religions. He says that Jupiter (Zeus) originally was a (mortal) king of Crete--a concept of Euhemerus--and Dionysos was his son. Dionysos was murdered, and cannibalized. Only his heart was salvaged by Athena. A statue of gypsum (the same substance the Titans used to disguise themselves) was then made to look like Dionysos, and the heart is placed within.[10]
  • The "Protogonos Theogony", lost, composed c. 500 BC which is known through the commentary in the Derveni papyrus and references in classical authors (Empedocles and Pindar).
  • The "Eudemian Theogony", lost, composed in the 5th century BC. It is the product of a syncretic Bacchic-Kouretic cult.
  • The "Rhapsodic Theogony", lost, composed in the Hellenistic age, incorporating earlier works. It is known through summaries in later neo-Platonist authors.
  • Orphic Hymns. 87 hexametric poems of a shorter length composed in the late Hellenistic or early Roman Imperial age.

Burial rituals and beliefs[edit]

Gold orphic tablet and case found in Petelia, southern Italy (British Museum)[11]
See also: Totenpass
Surviving written fragments show a number of beliefs about the afterlife similar to those in the "Orphic" mythology about Dionysus' death and resurrection. Bone tablets found in Olbia (5th century BC) carry short and enigmatic inscriptions like: "Life. Death. Life. Truth. Dio(nysus). Orphics." The function of these bone tablets is unknown.[citation needed]
Gold-leaf tablets found in graves from ThuriiHipponiumThessaly and Crete (4th century BC and after) give instructions to the dead. Although these thin tablets are often highly fragmentary, collectively they present a shared scenario of the passage into the afterlife. When the deceased arrives in the underworld, he is expected to confront obstacles. He must take care not to drink of Lethe ("Forgetfulness"), but of the pool of Mnemosyne ("Memory"). He is provided with formulaic expressions with which to present himself to the guardians of the afterlife.
I am a son of Earth and starry sky. I am parched with thirst and am dying; but quickly grant me cold water from the Lake of Memory to drink.[12]
Other gold leaves offer instructions for addressing the rulers of the underworld:
Now you have died and now you have come into being, O thrice happy one, on this same day. Tell Persephone that the Bacchic One himself released you.[13]

Petelia Gold Tablet - Wikipedia


The Petelia Gold Tablet or Petelia Tablet is an orphic inscription or totenpass that was found near the ancient city of Peteliasouthern Italy in the early nineteenth century. Since 1843, the original has been kept in the British Museum. ... The Petelia Gold Tablet (with case and chain) in the British Museum. Material, Gold.

The Myths of Plato - Page 156 - Google Books Result

Plato - 1905 - ‎Cambridge Platonists
For the twin streams of the Orphic cult which resemble Dante's Lethe and Eunoe so closely, we ... written in hexameter verse on gold tablets found in graves at Thurii and Petelia in South Italy, and now preserved in the British Museum. ... case H) and other Orphic golden tablets (e.g. the Eleuthernae Tabletfrom Crete, in the ...

Echoes from the Gnosis - Page 237 - Google Books Result

George Robert Stow Mead, ‎John Algeo - 2006 - ‎Religion
utterance of the Orphic initiate: "Child am I of Earth and Starry Heaven; nay, my Race is Heaven's [alone]!" These words are from a portion of an ancient Orphic Ritual, on a gold tablet, which had ... It was foundin a grave at Petelia, in Southern Italy, and is now in the British MuseumGold Ornament Room (Table-Case H).

Cosmic Dust!!

Listen to the format of a life on the toe,
it sings with the width of a billion lives on once in a tide,
waving while the world glows another Sun on the moon of a Shade,
it is the balance.

From in-front to the back reversal of a sole,
what a type,
wisdom riding for the Sands of coal,
just the print of hands and metal at elemental!!

People cross charts on cooing that library,
chance to a style of lyrics of ancient mind,
craft is wise in the Egyptian mile authority on tile.

Grooving wind to breeze another filed,
down goes the pen to Ink-Up a pine,
birch and read wool's skin parade,
dividing the World full.

Crowds stair lives on Planet Hell,
earth is the dirt to remind of the mores'!!

Loving the fire it is me a Flame,
twinkling a star on an evening night,
glass is reflecting light with a dance of grace in ream,
of for the grooves,
trees that wheat sway to king.

Grant this a moment in the heart of my hand,
a palm that shown,
portion only breath to a breathing beat,
for on the long pour it is the element of volcano's shoe,
to describe what is land.

Whale in the sight of only the Fish that school to a might,
for it is the Sea that Ocean's back,
a walking along the shore of Time,
for in the Ages it was not a Twilight of freeze,
the ice gave rise,
molten rock rose,
plainly the cosmos.

Written to an ole style of what was fashion at addressing,
now it is only the promise signature piece to my name is not stun.
November 1st, 2016,
1:11 PM

The prowess of such times on the Moon Songs of strong landing,
the country in the land of the freeze is it the honesty of the hands of the lyrics that makes you ride,
across this lane of avenue??

Shall the tunnel vision to the blindness that the Sun is the bright star of this themes' galaxy,
is the universe on the Milky Way to state of the Orion on its' every sight's swum.

Can^did photograph of the home,
what is it as the civilians brought nothing to making this the day of where is the facing??

Is pain the memory or the mirror that people must reflect,
is innocence the guilty cloth that cheese will not mold as religions now go to the folds??

Nose to flattery are the hours try^bowl,
is the cream of that the milking of a stool to feel the fracture of reality or that shale??