Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Age Of Sage

The width of what stands between
is often never seen.
Nature reveals the kindness of mean
by enabling us to do what is clean.

Assumptions of Human Beings
crush all of the Ones with Wings.
It is the innocence of hope it seems
that can deliver simply everything.

Our youth in this Universal Stance,
of what is a Galatical view
lends towards a kinder outcome.
In-spite of all of You!!

Turning away from a natural cry,
is a simple way for you to say,
"Help Yourself."

Places guilt upon not silt:
For you seem not normal.

Inasmuch as you tend to point,
the blame at every boy and girl; Possession.

Possession, seems a Degree

I know I feel the heat within me!!

No match can be made,
if rape receives aid
from Pastors, Ministers
in Lands far away.

Our color has no preference to you!
In common you would have thought; 


It is the silence that bonds our lives
this is what takes us to the very brink.

Kicking us out:  All You Shout.
These are repetitive sentences
with no way out.

Our Words?
Which ones?
"Speak" You scream.

We are weak.
Age Five is dangerous
and most of us Die!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I like your poetry