Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Map Of Discretion As You Consider Being Discreet

Watch what changes your every thing!
The slightness of a nuance; A slight of hand.
It can stretch out the longevity of what seems endless,
but will have a reasonable means to do so.

To turn from what stares at you
cannot often be seen by the layman: 
But, felt by the sensitive, always.

Haunted by wrongs,
can be what confirms your rights.
Eventual evaluation of what is not said, but, can be heard,
carries a heavier term than that which a dying man utters in the moments before he passes through.

Ignoring the crimes of Humanity,
is not a criminal act.
It is an immeasurable account of what is not considered, 
but seemingly condoned by society.

Put effort into the balance of the health of Mankind,
ignore not the selfishness which shows no action.
Take note that it subtracts from the energy of thought,
and crushes the innocence of any idea's that are not their own.

Clear out the web of your chosen distraction from such things.

Better to stand alone!
To be bold!
Grow your Independence, enhance yourself as an individual.

This would be better than to fold and fall into the populous that such diabolic behavior demands.
Recklessness, Cowardness and Destruction of any and all
at the cost of life itself, is what such negativity will call.

Be what is different and you will prove to be
what most are naturally;

An original idea will come from only one thing.
The growth and acceptance of you.
Tomorrow is a new day and each moment in-between
is an opportunity for you to be anything you wish to be.

"Who are you meant to be?"

I believe you are meant to be, "YOU."
Just as you are.

With all that comes with you.
Good or Bad, it is for you to learn from.

With discretion as a "Rule of Thumb,"
and at a pace you set for yourself to resolve yourself.
You will discover and accomplish the purpose for which,
you were so thoughtfully made for when you first arrived.

All so that you may satisfy that inner desire,
that we seek out to know our worth.

It is in your imperfections,
that you will find your perfections.

Priceless and without measure,
and learn that it is the impossible that is the possible just waiting to happen.

For anyone.

Rest your mind upon knowing that the achievement of perfection,
is merely a state to understand how much more we need to learn.

To progress in our own lives,
or to consider the progression in another,
is simply to discover that which is staring you in the face.


A true and faithful account of possibility,
not probability.

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