Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Romance In The Dawn of..... long ago.

I heard this tone,
deep and low,
the Music played,
an Orchestra plane.

The Universe,
viola known,
deeper sound,
a piano slowed.

The Full-Notes,
carried weight,
as if the Planets felt the take.

Movements tempo,
metric chord,
a feeling of,
I've been before.

The stereo of an echoed cry,
made me state;
"I know you....Why?"

So old this call,
from when I saw,
the galaxy in a stall.

The planets next,
the shift complete,
as if the change,
developed feet.

The scroll rolled on,
a Fellow songed,
the Lyrics words,
the Sentence versed.

Like a Story,
being told,
in Life be bold.

The loss was felt,
a palpable Tell,
the longing seemed to say,
that pains the measure and guides the way.

Misery, lonely, searching in seek,
made me wonder,
producing Feat.

Truth so Told,
in simple souls,
all were lost and we're not home.

Discouraged by Fate,
the looming day,
I felt the pinch,
the Spark entrenched.

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