Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Naturals Toke Of The 'Antinomy' of Historical Rent

Too create a knew 'State' the blest of,
a 'Placed to Deed' all those Reads,
the Sees of what will lead,
Humanity pleads!!

the Morality,
a principled taught,
in a distant Universe,
brought to a galaxy spot,
to lend a ventured wrought.

'The Continue' relies on blend,
the meld of an Elemental sent,
to the production of a 'Score'
the Composition to deliver more!!

As the Part,
a different mark,
the 'Guard' brings Messages,
too a riddled start.

The belief,
a Worlds relief,
brought with 'It'
an Informational deed,
to develope,
knot envelope,
the person is a Being,
the spirit of is placed with love.

The Composed of a 'Pre'
is bound to bring on destiny,
the fate is seen in delivered 'Means'
the gifts bestowed were birthed with 'Stream'
each word expressed,
to know 'The Test' is now and not in Futured rest.

As Open-Minded Independent learnt,
 a boundary 'Met' set-on Earth,
the mortal body exists,
this Turf of Written,
Maid bliss!!

the expected 'Hood'
the Ancient mounts,
the stood allowance,
the Call for Balance is Answered in,
no questions,

Selected bye,
the ride was Tye,
in this I know not much,
a 'hide'

Sent remained untouched in named,
'cause the Journey was a Bust,
it would Show with only lust!!

The Cusp

A Natural Path,
delivered math,
the number of,
is a Thousand tugs,
the 'Life' is known to resist and threw fits,
in advance 'It' kicked!!

The deny is more than 'Eye'
the real of impossible,
is a wheel in Rite,
to better 'said sight' with a greater Might,
the 'Given' strength of Knight.

To rebel is always Hell,
supposed the deal was foretelled,
in Archaic,
'noted' well,
just to Stop this run-from Hist'
the moment brake of a take,
the expected objective wrecked 'it'
and 'left' is churned to deal,
the Second of Surreal!!

A Whole to First,
the Steel!!

Built to reel the keel,
in 'all' 'The Keep' of a Dungeons Steep,
too announce the ventured Feat,
the Monumental Stance of Man!!

"An Ancient: Smitten; Planned."

By design and not by 'Time'
Evolution made,
creative stayed,
the Force of a Universed trade,
to bring a galactical space,
the dimension of a greater race,
left in only 'clank'
the Tale of which will Tell,
the 'Rote' of  'Many' is few,
history's plenty,
the Statute is a Chiseled hope,
it is the phew of written smoke.