Sunday, January 26, 2014

Voicing Song

Elemental Speaks!!

I yearn for the days,
an Ancient learn.

I moved through,
the galaxy of truth!!

The Sight a Tale,
past lives availed,
the swish had know 'dales'
the Balance, the Rail.


The point is shown,
a life adorned,
my more?
a simple door.


So deeply seated,
the real greeted,
as belief is often repeated.

'The Continue'

To ride, too live,
the real coffer of a steed,
the depth of best in lead.

The pulse of what does speak,
the fire of a flaming deed.

For in 'the like'
a ride with Knight,
the comfort found,
 such delight.

The been of done,
extended formal plead,
the score of writ,
invited, tipped,
that life is long and we're equipped,
too 'Be' ourselves so naturally,
the wealth!!

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