Sunday, March 23, 2014

Clear The Mechanism

Principal interest in school of taught,
the Class became the One to last,
know Recess the years in past,
the call to remember nothing,
information offered makes no mistake.

The chalk of board the game just played,
out like the pen in came.

Written plainly to say what complicates,
the knocked-out life went out to stay,
until the time of ring was heard,
the home work read the post of said.

No notice given to empty bin,
the void created a rift to Pi,
the pool was not afraid,
for the bottom was already made,
the space between simply to steer.

Step-in, step-out, the clock does not tick it only counts,
the days add to zero,
a pre-set gear,
to allow the check-out to merely clear.

Created measure of time and/or pleasure,
seconds pass as blinking stacks,
why add to an already very full task.

Chose the part the last good start,
conscious mind breaks to cart.

One, Two, Three...time-out!!!

Mark Five, go ...... UP, 
on with the Show,
nobody will know,
what's missing? the being inside!1!

Robotic by Design

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