Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Solution Pottered Stone

A petition for life itself,
a Place to figure what is dealt,
within the chill of discerning sees,
the state to know more than breathe.

The fountain pens,
the voice of tends,
applied the push to stop the bends.

Past Evolved

 Archaic Cast,
the actioned classed,
to serve in last,
a lingering stash.

 Out to read,
the Oceanus bleed,
purports to be the furthered keyed.

The effort made,
to breach the role,
the depth of Set delivers Toll.

Reality is Humanity stole

The adage of know ifs or butts,
the piece of riddle a Poet's fiddle,
 the bow of what delivered sooth,
an inking see the planned a Sayer.

Puzzled brings to simple themes,
not the every in all these things,
only clicks to cease more stings.

Hoisting amass this blogger paths,
a purpose in a larger task,
this is not singular it is extract.

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