Saturday, June 14, 2014

Crystal Clear

Shore the beach to Sand the oyster back it's Pearl is sewn in truth exact,
the grit of the word to the tongue of the heard annouced the curt,
so blunt the cut was ready luck to curdle the sour souped,
a frothy state with a Head in place the shouldered of the boot!!

Tray this served in Chill of stirred the Ice to Warm the Firey decorum,
quiet the tip in clues of whip growth for know that B.D.S.M. is bow,
stood-up with the identified stuck as the heavy of the leading,
down the roads to pave the Crow not streak the codes!!

Held to Self in Central belt a grip in details have missing preps,
a work-up with the Scrolls not Hows do Wall the paper Mind,
like mach speeds the rocket keys as Man just busts a Nut,
the cracker of the Shell is lucked to Hide the Breach of Nature ducked!!

Training zeal the sky to Real a Pore of the Origin in vast supports,
the Ancients in their Teach & Tell a finger strokes the bell,
the strongest squall is the fully brawled to the board of the Mat in well!

What to Owe the bill of Show a Venued Place in a stolen Case,
the cuts of sewn to be the thrown of a Fire in a flame of known,
kept at the Bay for.............I don't know Say,
a time in less than broughts!!

Shave the whisker mow the Hare the Cotton of the plaque is dots,
the red type ball that dances tall a follow the leader in a blow,
the ticker of the tape is boned to read the 'morrow as a stone,
at Granite Press to Inking Crest the brain is Intelligenced loans!!

Draw speak to ply the nailing high deaf mutes are in the brine,
perk the caught so guilt will pot the Kettle of the other lined,
in shoots of dosed with opened lopes the rabbit hopped in with the Vote,
one for Aye, two for Ayes, three for I have Kinds!!

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